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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)

There are many Job Type Platforms in the field of Electronic Communications Networking Systems (ECNS) and each one has different functionalities.

JOB SEEKERS that are using the JobCase Platform can have great success if you: 1) Connect with one person on this platform. 2) Tell that person, where you are in life. 3) As illustrated below; Point and tell that person where you see yourself in 90 days. 4) Have that person diagram a roadmap on how you can get there with their expertise.

If you follow this Agile Methodology, you will have greater success in your job search and then, everything else will fall-in-place.

I Believe You Can...!

#BeInspired #BeProactive #BeIlluminated #BeTecnhnical #BeEverything #BeGreatWithin

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Paul Baker
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

@It's Your Time Believe and Achieve I agree that the community here on Jobcase is a fantastic support system and group for job seekers and those that are in a job and are looking for advice/help or a safe place to vent their frustrations. How we get more people into the community to participate is always a question that we're looking to answer. If you have a suggestion please let us know!

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