I really need a work from home job with my schedule being too unpredictable due to health issues. Does anyone have anything to share? I’m trying to sink my teeth in graphic design if that helps. #jobsearch #workfromhome #graphicdesign
Hi @Grace Toth - I'd keep a close eye on Craigslist- Major cities pay more. I'd also search for digital marketing and content creation.
I recommend calling newspapers, magazines, marketing companies, billboard companies etc. Good chance you’ll find something.
If you're looking for graphic design job opportunities, I recommend checking out Jobcase along with other job search providers like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Freelancer. These platforms often list work-from-home positions and can help you find opportunities that fit your schedule. Good luck with your job search! #jobsearch #workfromhome #graphicdesign
@Grace Toth Try freelance sites like Fiverr or UpWork. You should be able to get some work there. Good luck! 🍀