I like payments as I have monthly Bill's to pay
I think I rather get pay in a lump- sum and keep my job
I'll take the paychecks rather than one lump sum; this isn't the lottery :)
My experience with earnings payments - they only come at the end-of-period ...
NO way - would I want to wait - for a full year of work - to be completed - prior to any payment !!!
Some contract jobs - actually work that way - No project success - no partial payments !
I think I like having paychecks throughout the year. Though I've never received a huge lump-sum of money before, so who knows! Lol I wonder how it would affect taxes.
Little by little. I am a terrrrrrrrible saver... I'd impulse buy something silly. Lol
Stupid question, just saying!
I would prefer them to Pay little by little during year because i cover My expenses
My entire salary
Good question, I think that I'd actually enjoy getting one big payment. I could invest it upfront and probably make a lot more than I would have if I got little by little.