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David Miller
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Machine Operator Production Line Worker Quality Control Inspector Forklift Operator at Manpower Kelly Service At Kraft Foods

My advice to people interested in working at #Manpower/kellyserviceatkraftfoods as a #Machineoperator/productionlineworker/qualitycontrolinspector/forkliftoperator ...

Manpower is not good , they will work you and get the most out of you. Apply to manpower at your own risk, at kraft foods i get screwed by the lead and facility manager. I was following the orders of a kraft supervisor, next day, i didn't have a job there, my. Assignment has ended. I was relocated to another job site. Apply at your own risk

almost 5 years ago
Clara Stallworth
Bullet point

My very first temp assignment was with Manpower in Philly. While it was a mostly positive experience with them, they paid slightly above minimum wage (at the time 20 years ago, it was about $7/hr, so I was getting $8/hr for a clerical position weekly). Once, I went to the office to find out what happened with my paycheck as I'd not gotten it. Turned out that they got my address wrong, and the check was being mailed to a nonexistent house number on my street (Marvine at the time). I told the rep that it would be considered "undeliverable" by the post office. The rep was kind enough to own the mistake, and corrected my address, but told me that a new check will be issued the following week. It did work out, but I also received the original check, so I had to go to the office and hand it off to them as it was voided by payroll. After that, I have never worked for them again. Went to another agency that was more than willing to keep their employees busy-and paid like it too-and ultimately got hired permanently by the employer; stayed for 17 years.
