The biggest mistake I made as a #ProductionWorker at #PepsiCo ...
Quitting because my son got sick
Hi Guadalupe Beltran are you looking for new work?
Have you tried using the job search tool here on Jobcase?
Just follow these steps!
1. Click on Jobs & Companies at the top of the page, or head over [here] (
2. Enter a job into the search field where it says Job Title, Keywords, or Company.
3. Add in your location by filling in your City and State OR zip code. Then click the magnifying glass to search.
4. Once the list is up, click on “View Job" of any you are interested in and then apply.
Wishing you the best of luck with your job search!
Hi Guadalupe Beltran are you looking for new work?
Have you tried using the job search tool here on Jobcase?
Just follow these steps!
1. Click on Jobs & Companies at the top of the page, or head over [here] (
2. Enter a job into the search field where it says Job Title, Keywords, or Company.
3. Add in your location by filling in your City and State OR zip code. Then click the magnifying glass to search.
4. Once the list is up, click on “View Job" of any you are interested in and then apply.
Wishing you the best of luck with your job search!