If you are scheduled for an interview, always ask your company contact for additional interview information. What type of information? Who you will be speaking with or meeting, the official title, job description, who your Manager would be, the exact location of the role, timeline for hiring, etc. It is always best to have as much information as you can before talking to a Hiring Manager or a possible co-worker. This gives you the ability to do your research and make sure you are ready to go! #interview #recruiteradvice

Well done Captain.

Excellent 411 on interviewing. Allow me to add: • Always have a pen & pad at the ready. • Write down your questions ... phone calls ... consider them the initial interview ... it is your opportune time to ask about everything pertaining to job position as well as job description. • At the interview ... feel free to ask questions ... and take notes ... it's called professionalism. • Act the part. • Good Luck!!!

I agree Mark, the more you know about the company not only help the one applying but asking questions show the one doing the interview that you are serious about that company. If you are applying to a company do some research on that company before the interview as well. And ask questions they find that you are not just applying because you need a job but you are really interested in growing with that company.

Great advice for interviewing!


Oky thank u so much

Call me 2103738755

I was scheduled two interviews on the same day 45 mins apart

That is very smart. Write down your interview questions for the interviewer, in another column your time line and any answers for possible questions. Especially where there are gaps. Less is more!! Be Informative, but don't float off track. Debra
Thanks for the advice, this should help.