Did you see that Yahoo! just sold to Verizon? This is big news in the tech world. Yahoo was one of the originals, at one time their internet business alone was valued over $100billion - it sold for 4+ this week (fyi: for those checking, the stock ticker Yahoo reflects more the value of their ownership stake in ali-baba than the internet property itself). The latest CEO has been Marissa Mayer. She has her fans and she has her detractors. But throughout her tenure there has always been an echo of any reporting that covers her as a woman-CEO, as a special interest story next to the standard CEO articles. I know a lot of gender bias still exists in the workplace. I know most of it creates headwinds and political potholes and awkwardness than many women navigate each day. Here is an article in which Marissa is cited for the first time really addressing it. I am wondering what our female Jobcaser's views are about Marissa, about women CEO's vs. men, and about gender bias in workplace in general.. whadayathink?
#gender #bias #whadayathink