Look everyone I have a lot of faith even if it looks like you are wasting time applying , no you are not you are making the step to never give up it sometimes takes time I know in rough times desperate needs call for desperate measures. But look at it this way review every detail of you experience of previous job even it isn’t in your job description but you know how to perform that skill apply that on your description plan out how to make a perfect resume don’t rush it review analyize it and execute you are all secretly Bosses in the making know your worth don’t let anyone say otherwise I want no one to struggle I wish I can make that change for everyone but this is one step to give you all faith never let yourself down, a positive and confidence mind will always win remember! (Planning out before the plan happens will make you successful)

Good one

Thanks I am trying

Absolutely never give up.

Hi Victor, thank you for the wonderful advice and for posting it here on Jobcase : ) Positivity is so important when looking for jobs and in life. It's good to remember to keep your eyes on the prize and not to let anyone stop you from reaching those goals!
Yes faith is what I ride on‼️