I have a different opinion, UPS has a lot of benefits but there’s a lot of favoritism and discrimination, I worked for ups for 23.5 years and I got terminated because I threw a chair to an open area. They told me that I was misscoudocted. I saw people abusing authority, folsefing records, hiding service providers.fisicaly abusing other employees and they all got their jobs, just watch if you decide to work for ups

Cordell, every district and every management team is different. I have been fully retired and removed from UPS for 9 years and conditions have changed very much since I left. I couldn’t answer you accurately now.

What do you think about your experience with UPS

I used to

Do you work for UPS or considering

Well not really I do have good support with time off etc but promoting they management plays favorite clearly and management aren’t too supportive of each other I enjoy what I do. I just need a raise to survive
Ups has good benefits and the pay starts to get better if you bid to get different jobs. That's how you get quick pay raises. However, some of the work there is very hard cause you have to be able to load and unload so many pkgs to keep to the trucks ready to move out. I was there 5 years. Yard shifter, loved my job and was good at it til I was injured. After that they screwed me over really really bad. Most people don't last very long there cause it is hard work starting off but if you can make it til the job bids come out. You can make good easy money.