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Julie Jakubiec
Bullet point
Sr. Talent Acquisition Manager, US Sales @Jobcase

So you’ve landed the job, congratulations! Now that you’re there, how do you stand out from your colleagues and ensure that not only do you stay, but you are viewed as someone that can potentially moved up? Here are a few things that make employees really shine, or that make them (dare I say it) Rock Stars! And if you’re already doing some or all of these, well done! And if you’re not that’s ok too, now is a great time to start!

  1. Be POSITIVE, coming in with a negative attitude can affect everyone’s mood and their day.
  2. Make sure to check in with your manager before leaving for the day to see if there is anything else that they need help with.
  3. Stay out of and away from any form of gossip. I know how easy it may be to sometimes be drawn into it, but avoid it like the chicken pox! Nothing ever ends well when it comes to gossip.
  4. Never forget the art of saying “please” and “thank you” when it comes to both your team members and your manager, even for small things
  5. When in a customer facing role never let the customer see that you’re having a bad day. And regardless of the role you’re in try to not let your manager see it as well.
  6. Bring new ideas to the table when given the opportunity. But keep in mind that there is a difference in making suggestions when there is an open forum vs. being too vocal and soliciting unwanted advice.
  7. RESPECT your team members and your manager. They are going to be the people you spend most of your time with and even if they drive you a little crazy, you need to be able to work with them day in and day out. We’re all different!
  8. Take initiative! If you see something not being done and you can do so without stepping on someone’s toes, go ahead and do it! Managers view employees very highly that are willing to roll up their sleeves and pitch in!


over 7 years ago
Daniel Reyes Ramírez
Bullet point
Ayudante De Aire Acondicionado at Dual Aire Servicios

Y en que voy a trabajar que no se explíqueme

Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
Content Manager at Jobcase

I LOVE this Julie, such a great idea to post about what to do when you land the job! I agree that it's so important once you have the job to stay positive, avoid gossip and negativity and treating your team and those you work with kindly and with respect. Very well said : ) Great ides here for those who are recently hired or even have been working for awhile!
