The best ways to follow up without bothering an employer

Following up is an essential component of the job search process. It serves two purposes, it allows you to say thank you to the employer for their time after an interview and it also reminds them of who you are. Think of following up as a nice way of saying “Hey...remember me?!” Check out the best ways to follow up without bothering an employer.
Don’t email too often
NO ONE likes their inbox flooded with emails from the same company or individual over and over. The first initial #followup should thank the employer for their time or mention that you applied and why you are a great fit for the role. Resist the urge to email repeatedly this will only bother the employer as well as make you appear desperate. It’s important to remember that employers have your information. If they are interested in you as a candidate they WILL call or email you. Instead, follow up once and then consider a second follow up a few weeks later and do not reach back out.
Be brief and to the point
Don’t make the hiring manager do more work than necessary. Make your emails skimmable and concise so stick to the point! Your email should be easy to read and understood in a just few seconds. Some ways to make your emails more skimmable include:
- Bolding important info
- Using bullet points
- Crafting short sentences
Say thank you
Everyone appreciates someone who is thoughtful so it should go without saying that remembering to thank an employer is critical! They devoted time out of their busy professional day to you, so acknowledge that in your follow up. By demonstrating your gratitude you are showcasing that you are a polite, considerate, and appreciative prospective employee that knows the value of someone’s time.
Have a clear call to action
Don’t follow up with a vague message. When you send an email, be sure they know what you expect as an outcome. Do you need more information, are you checking in on the status of things, or are you simply reinforcing your excitement for the position and thanking them for their time? Whatever the purpose is, make sure there is a clear call to action. For example a simple, "I look forward to hearing back about your decision" works wonders.
Have a backup plan
It’s fantastic if you were able to land an interview, but it doesn’t necessarily guarantee you the position. With that being said it’s important not to place all of your attention and hopes into this one job opportunity. After you have followed up be sure to keep applying and sending your resume out there!
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Yes it is the proper thing to do after interviews sending 'Thank You' notes and following-up. As job seekers this is part of the process. Unfortunately some potential employers do not respond. The toughest job in the world, I think now matter how many degrees follow your name is a job seeker. Working sometimes many hours of the day, submitting to jobs. The toughest part is not receiving feedback. I applied to a local company twice for 2 jobs. After the first job and no reply, they reached out to me 6 months later and invited me to interview for another position. I did. Guess What. No response after 2nd job thank yous and interviews. They have another position which I would like. I don't think 3rd time is the charmer, or they would get the impression I'm no good because I am still unemployed.

Politeness and courtesy are great selling points that frame who you are. Follow Ashley 's post,it has all the right information as usual. Thanks , Ford

I moved to United States as Permanent Resident last year. My education is Ph.D in Plant Pathology (Agricultural Science). I am seeking for job to start my career in USA..Interested for even entry level lab job as Plant Pathology or General Microbiology (Not Medical Microbiology) technician. Another interest is to teach in community college on Agriculture (Plant pathology/Crop Protection etc.) or in High School...Please help me in searching jobs in my surrounding (maximum 30-40 minutes drive from my resident at Stockton -95206, CA...Thanks
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