Don't. They lie to your face repeatedly. Promise of vacation and sick pay then when you quit your current job, they rescind all agreements. You're left no choice. They want you to live 2 hours away for 7 weeks. If it rains you don't get paid but cannot go home. Good luck if you are foolish enough or desperate. No union for lab. Very poor pay. Was promised to make 2x what I actually made.... They reduced my hours to the point I barely made enough for insurance and hsa.

It's so hard to find part time Lab Tech or intern Eng'g Tech, and I don't know if they going to hire me if my experience been there to long. Any word from you would be appreciated.

Allysa Hicks it's interesting to find a job working at McDonald, discount food plus they help you paying your tuition. But more interesting to get a job as a lab tech or engineering tech that is first option.

Hello I just recently relocated to Ga in the Dunwoody/ Sandy springs area. I am seeking a job in the medical field. I have been working as a lab tech, receptionist, data entry, medical records and scheduler. I have been working in hospitals, clinics, nursing rehab centers and medical lab. Im fairly new to the area So if anyone know of any jobs that are available within these areas can you please let me know. Im truly in need of a job. Check out my profile on this site and I can also be reached at cyhud1@yahoo.com. Thank you