I have always wanted to work for the IRS for many years. The people there are so polite.

I would recommend that my best friend work at the IRS, because "she" would most likely be a "woman" who could use the advantage of the work-life balance that IRS offers. Programs like these is what allows women, and also men, to become mid to upper level career professionals, while being full-time parents!

Federal benefits, manage employees and help customers

Next question was... something like this... did another employee ever get upset with you No not really until I got into Quality Control... I wrote those up with errors so they could learn from their mistaks

Question was … what did I love about working for IRS... I got to pick the hours I wanted to work I choose 6 am to 2:30 pm

I wanted a seasonal job with growth, and could apply for other jobs and still stay within the government.. Holidays off, paid vacation, sick days Glad l did.. Went to several different departments Mail room, Estate Dept, Receipt and control, Data Transcriber, Quality Control Clerk

Hello my name is Sherinnalynn walker Iam looking for a great job and also a fun job that I can enjoy and be apart of the team would love to be apart of the IRS

Working for the IRS is like driving a taxi or a waitress/waiter. You don't start off life wanting to pursue this as your career, you just fall into it. If there is anybody actually looking to work for the IRS all I can advise them is to seek professional help. You're either delusional or need psychiatric help. I suggest to anybody reading this who wishes to work for the federal government to check out this website "Partnership for Public Service." It rates employee happiness and satisfaction based on internal surveys throughout the federal government. The IRS is perennially low on the list. There's good reasons for that.

My manager is a well known self absorbed and demented narcissist who would go off on me repeatedly. I worked in a number of departments and had more than 2 dozen supervisors throughout more than 2 decades. This one was the worst I have ever worked for both inside and outside government. No private company would have tolerated this. The IRS, no problem. Look elsewhere.

It enabled me to relocate. Nothing else.