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Renee Gainey
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I was planning on leaving and I think that is one reason why he started totally bulling me back in sept of last year. He was in my email an saw the emails with resumes I sent out and his attitude changed he would yell at me in front of customers belittle me and make me feel inferior. He then lied to unemployment so I wouldn't get it now tell me what kind of boss does that to a loyal 56hour a week employee?

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Diane Ramos
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I just retired from a major entertainment company and saw many times over that the company would hire a son or daughter of a very high level manager. Make them a supervisor within 3 months of being hired and tell their cliquish friends if anyone says something wrong to her that she will tell mommy and that person will be out of a job. I saw it happen too many times at work.

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Karen Ramirez
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I hate it when people tell me their impressed with my experience and qualifications during the interview then turn around two day’s letter and send me a rejection letter. What’s up with that?

Jill VanSise
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

It is very hard for me to apply for jobs over the Internet. For once thing, a job website usually has an interminable Terms of Service statement, and then a Privacy Policy. Now maybe some people would simply skip reading those things and proceed, but I consider it irresponsible to agree to a contract without knowing what is in it. People who would just sign that way might as well sign with an X. People who do not bother to read might as well be illiterate.--But I have a distinct aversion to leases and other contracts if they be longer than the Ency- clopedia Britannica; it makes me very nervous for one thing; for another, I do not have a home computer, I use the ones in the library, and am allowed only a certain number of minutes per day using them. And if I have a question about something in the Terms and ask about it, I HARDLY EVER get any answer to it. So sometimes I just skip the site and go to one whose Terms I have already read. And sometimes I get a Terms printed on the library computer printer and take it home and read it, but if I do, I means I'm not going to apply for that job that day. And it is aggravating in the extreme, and it seems to me that these things were invented by arrogant sadists who hate people who are so presumptuous as to try to actually get jobs. I can understand not wanting to be liable for things. But why couldn't they just say, "If you don't want what you put here to be read by everyone in the United States, don't put it here. We give you no guarantees. Pro- ceed at your own risk." (?!)

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