Shane J Charbonnet: Philosopher & Innovateur -- Therapeute, Academy of Science, Mathematics and Quantum Mechanics, and Predictive Analytics. Post-Grad +2 ||| Organizational Leadership, Postsecondary & Adult Education, Design Engineering |||
...best described as the keenly well Oiled "Synergism of rational academics, in-depth understanding, and resolute modesty." A demonstrated academician; enigmatic problem solver-resolution developer, and researcher.
Having successfully completed a cumulative ensemblage of postGraduate credit hours in Adult Education and in Organizational Leadership plus 9 credit hours in Humam-Centered Design Innovation and Arts. Notably, the central crux-of-research studies entails Systems Design (SD), Algorithmic Studies (AS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognition, Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS), Neurocognition, Quantum Analytics (QNA), Quantum Computing (QNC), Human and Computing Design, Quantitative Research Methods (QLRM), Qualitative Research Methods (QNRM), Predictive Analytics (PA), Forecasting, and Statistics.
Insofar, what drives "Shane" is the ongoing and pressing need-unction for utilizing one's quasi-manifold aptitudes, abilities, and competencies in such a responsible fashion as to better mankind at-large. In fact, the specific sliver of scripture that invigorates him the most is found in 1st Corinthians Chapter 13, better known as the "Necessity of (Philanthropy) in All Things."
And last, the central philosophical mantra that he lives within the context of every aspect of his earthly life is but a summarization of a singular, however quasi-farious slogan; "If one is to truly optimize the world-at-large, he or she must first invest the requisite cognitive, energy, intellectual, physical, and human resources in understanding both who one is, and why one endeavor as one consistently chooses to undertake therein!"
Essentially, optimized functionality and extrinsic socio-change metrics initiate from within. Whatever exists within the sacred core of mere humanity, in the fullness of time and connective space effectuates thus affects both good and bad realities; positively and negatively; constructively and destructively all things encompassing therein.
Thanks in advance for your sustainable grace, respect, and preservation of this distinctive brand. #Analytic. #Colleague. #Consultant. #Creator. #Designer.

Looking to show the world what I can do far as designing sneakers. Have 100s of ideas and plenty of drive

I'm trying to seek employment that involves with illustrations art design or commissioners to sell my art.
Here is my inner egg that's about to hatch.