I really don't think it's fair that my credit score should play a part in determining whether I qualify for a job. Does anyone Ever ask what might have happened to cause my score. . If I have the qualifications to do the job and have the history to back it up, what gives?

I had an interview this past Friday at a bank, which I really want this job more than anything. I am thankful that I am employed, but this is a much better opportunity. But I found out that I may miss out on this job due to the fact that I was not able to make a payment on 2 of my credit cards due to being off work sick. This makes me sad. I feel that I am one of the hardest working people I know. And I would work extra hard to make this company not regret hiring me if they pick me. I will continue to pray for this breakthrough. But I advise anyone to make sure while you are going through the job seeking process to make sure that you try to keep your credit up to par. This could be a deciding factor in your future employment. But I will remain hopeful and positive through this process.

Is it hard to get on with this company if you have a bad credit score ?

What is up with the fact that these companies will discriminate against you for having bad credit. I have bad because I don't have a job I can't pay my bills common sense it's just an excuse to pick and choose we live in a unfair world it's just bullshit

Alot of these jobs are basing they're hiring practice around candidate's credit score. Is there anyway to bypass that process to gain employment? If your credit score isn't up to par to become employed,how will you ever get it straight without a job to do so? I'm really struggling and DEFINITELY do not want to turn to illegal living just to take care of my family. Someone has an answer to this question and issue. Please help. Thank you.

The other day i interviewed over the phone for a job with a company that helps with credit repair. I stared i was very interested and would like to learn more about this so i could also fix my own credit. Despite, what the the big financial gurus you hear on TV or radio say about they make it sound so easy to fix your own credit and past debts, etc., its actually much harder, more costly and could be more complex to fix or remove. In particular, if it was an ex spouse who left several blemishes on it.
You can only do so much when struggling to pay the rent, the car, etc.. Make the ends meet, keep a job and survive. On a ten, eleven and twelve an hour ten hour work day on the job by the end of the day, you will have not much left over to be concerned about investing into fix credit reports. So, i asked the lady interviewing me if credit checks were a consideration in the hiring process. She said they do credit checks but the hiring decision is not based on credit. I thought, if the decision is not based on credit, then why do it? Why do or must employers have to peer into our credit records?. Its a form of discrimination, a way to weed out a prospective job applicant and an outright invasion of privacy. A job applicants credit.. Good, bad, ugly or indifferent has nothing to do with their abilities to perform in a job.
Its outrightly an invasion of personal privacy. Its like an employer checking your medical records for employment which is also illegal. Medical records are protected by the Hippa Act and so too, should our credit records be protected by something similar. So, I accepted what the interviewer had said and the next day i get an email thanking me for my time and how impressed with my interview they were but decided to choose other candidates to meet their needs better. In all, they could have just said it was my credit that was the problem. I strongly believe that was the deciding factor despite what they said. In fact, when i asked about the credit check, she seemed a bit hesitant in telling me when i addressed my concern about it.
So, the point being here, for all of you seeing this, if your credit has issues, do be advised it could very well prevent you from being hired or considered for a job. You can be denied employment based on bad or negative credit reports. Seven states have put laws in place making it illegal for employers to run credit checks on job prospects but its still not enforceable just yet and not every state has this law. Write to your congress representatives, the Legislature and even the President to enforce and pass laws making this practice illegal.

What is the point checking your credit when you are seeking employment and not filling out a form for a loan or a credit card..

I’m trying to apply for ups and it tells me I have to do a credit score every time

My question is, what and why is a credit report have to do with employment. How do ppl expect to fix their credit if only through employment determaines you getting a job. And i can see if your background check matches the job but not all background fit the job descrption. I feel ppl should all have a chance at employment, we all make mistakes. But i really need toknow about this credit report i feel its BS! And just anothe plot to keep certain ppl from moving up in life!

I interviewed. Background check. And then my hope were diminished. Didnt get the job... credit. Credit. Creditttrt. Arggghhh. Now can i start over without 30000 paycut Killing me...