I’m just curious how many people have lost their jobs due to automation or robots? If you did, what line of work are you in? I’m a mortgage underwriter and was laid off because it was slow. However, I have lots of friends in the industry laid off due to a new automated system the banks are using. Our jobs are very complex so it’s shocking! I have other friends in different lines of work all telling me their companies laid off because of a new automated system. I feel like we’re being eliminated all at the same time. Just wondering what others experience has been.

Hi guys, I write leadership articles about the workplace. I am interested to know the suggestions that employees have for management regarding automation. I am basically wanting to know if you are seeing opportunities at a personal level related to this topic of automation? Let me make an example:
- if your job is to punch in job cards into a system every day, and
- that process becomes automated
- an opportunity could be that if management gives you the authority to pull reports, they will more accurate and it will be a faster process, as a result
- your role could be elevated where you are spending more time analyzing patterns of employee attendance using fancy reports that are generated automatically from the system, and
- you may be able to start making contributions in management meetings around for instance - how to better schedule employees on shifts, and so on.
This is obviously just an example, I would like to hear your practical examples.

TechRepublic While automation will advance the workplace, it will also present obstacles, according to an Infosys report.

Anyone interested in implementing lean, agile, and automation?

Air Compressor services Electrical engineering, Automation.

i am a graduating as an Manufacturing and Automation tech and looking for something in this field in the Philadelphia area. Can somebody give me places that is hiring.

Only if you create it

Don't show up for work if you have been drinking

Dropped a whole box of inspected parts