Depending on what your goals are, there is enough growth opportunity to advance in the company, they do like to grow from within.

i liked working for them until i had to quit because i had a fractured right ankle and could not stand or walk on it for at least 3 months. i called and told my boss at hampton about it she said fine let us know when your better. then she told unemployment i quit my job voluntarily. there fore i was unable to get unemployment. that was totally wrong of her.

Working for Hilton, they give you a chance to move up in the hotel industry they are a really great company to work for all around great staff great on training some of the best ppl you will get to know.


Working for Hilton, you would have the opportunity to work your way up in the business. I work in a Hampton Inn as a house person/housekeeper. Hilton is a wonderful company to work for. They take good care of their employees.
I would like to grow in my career , if I am working in good company’ like Hilton so I will gain my skills and knowledge. it will help me grow in my future .