When you are at the job fair, make sure to bring plenty of business cards! If you don't have business cards - that's okay! Make sure your contact information is clearly visible on your resumè! If you need a resume overhaul, complete your profile here on Jobcase and simply download the professionally formatted resume!
Make sure you get the contact information from the companies who are at the job fair!
If you were given an email to contact them, send a follow-up a day or two afterwards. This will reinforce your interest in their company, and show them that you have initiative!
In your follow up email, be sure to remind them of who you are - if you spoke with a company rep there, and had a great conversation - mention it! Reiterate what type if position you are interested in, and why you think you are a good fit for it.
Be sure you contact every company you talked to at the job fair - it could mean your next great job!

Good advice! I got one of my old jobs by following up and made them know I was serious about it.
Ok great