I am a seasoned sushi chef with many years of experience. Customers praise my work and management often compare me to the best they have worked with. I love every aspect of being a sushi chef. There’s a catch.. I’m Caucasian and have the hardest time putting my foot in the door to prove my skills. Couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “oh we hired an Asian guy” most recently a chef I trained in sushi got hired over me because he is an “Asian guy” I love sushi and don’t want to do anything else. Times are rough but I keep calling and filling out apps
That is some beautiful work. I have to believe that talent will overcome the discrimination that you are facing once you find the right restaurant. Definitely share these great pictures of your work to the hiring managers. Like Albert, I believe you have great skills that will get you a job. Don't stop believing in yourself and just know that all rough patches eventually end.
By the way I see you are from Murrells Inlet. I'm originally from Marion!
That sushi looks great! Hang in there
Hi James, I believe the first thing you may want to consider is getting a job anywhere temporarily until you find “your” restaurant. All the things you are going to read is meant to help you. I’m not implying anything about you personally or implying anything wrong or negative about different cultures. I completely understand how you feel, like you’ve been discriminated against. I have felt the same thing until..... I learned that sometimes it seems like discrimination but in fact it’s not. The best thing I did for myself was to learn how to properly assess the situation, understand and accept the results, and keep moving forward without feeling negativity or rejection. In order to accomplish this I had to look at all the variables in my profession. From my personal experience in working with chefs, it seems chefs may need to look at the many variables presented in the restaurant industry as well. Some variables that one may want to consider are...