How is everybody doing with their job search? Did anyone get a chance to interview with a employer? If not, than I really hope you get that interview and that job! Good luck! :)

I have not found a job. I got hurt on the job and can not do the Preschool or campus supervisor I went back to school to learn Office admin. But most of the place wants 2 and 3 years' experience how do get a job without tons of experience just out of school. All my resume says schools. no one wants me..

I have interviewed with two prospective employers and the third hired me with just a phone interview, due to the fact that one of the employees had worked with me over the past several years as a contracted service provider. I start tomorrow and am still looking to hear from the other two employers I interviewed with. I also have another company looking at my resume and a substitute job waiting if I need it, or wait until they have a permanent position open then I can take that if I want..

This may be the week not only for an interview but a job offer for many Charmaine Artis . We're hoping for a lot of 'Got A Job' hiring announcement by the end of this week.
Thanks for extending your Best Wishes :-)
have not found a job. I got hurt on the job and can not do the Preschool or campus supervisor I went back to school to learn Office admin. But most of the place wants 2 and 3 years' experience how do get a job without tons of experience just out of school. All my resume says schools. no one wants me..