Would you take a loan in exchange for a percent if you’d future earnings? Woukd you take free training it education in exchange fir it? This is happening now. And, It is a growing trend. I have thoughts and feelings about this but am wondering what others think before I bias w my own thoughts. (The article below is about college grads but there are similar programs for coding courses and one off training as well). So, #whadayathink ? Good idea or bad? Would you or wouldn’t you participate?

Fred Golf, this is almost like selling your soul to the devil. metaphorically speaking...
income-sharing agreement "If she loses her job, she won’t have to pay anything, and investors will be out of luck until she finds work." quote from the article.
this may be good for the student(s) of low income (i.e., Amy Wroblewski, mother's a waitress and farther's a quality control inspector), but who can also maintain a high to average GPA.
And, if the students making less than $20,000 a year won’t be charged at all, as long as they are working full time or seeking work.
"Those who are working part-time or not seeking work will only have their payments deferred, which means that they’ll owe for a longer period of time."
A good alternative to the Student Loan I'm wondering what would happen if the student deiced to drop out?!

Broadly speaking, I don't see how this is any different than getting saddled with student loans, aside from the fact that this comes from private investors instead of federal aid.
Student loans are fixed and your amount owed doesn't fluctuate depending upon your salary. That at least allows you to budget accordingly.
Furthermore, I assume there are financial statements that you constantly have to provide investors as part of the agreement. Are you required to notify them of a new job, raises, bonuses, etc? It seems way too invasive for my taste.
And what protects these investments? Your federally backed student loans can't be wiped out in a bankruptcy. Can the same be said here?
Somewhere, there is a better option for education reform, I am just not sure that changing who you owe money too matters in the long run.
I'm hired thank you my friends