You are not here to change other people in your life. You can only LEAD by example. Only then will other people start witnessing your greatness, and want the same for themselves. But YOU can not LEAD others, if YOU are not AWARE of your own BAD habits, and THEN CHOOSE to get rid of them, for more productive HABITS. WE all have 24 hours in a day...the question is how do YOU utilize those hours to benefit your day, your VISION, Your success, YOUR LIFE for the better. You wonder why your rushing and late to work, is it truly the traffic (lol); You wonder why not getting a raise at work: You wonder why all the billionaires are Billionaires, and WHY NOT YOU??? Its not enough time, or they are more advantage than you, which they are not. Its not because they are smarter than you or went to better schools (most dropped out of school or college). Its how they MAXIMIZE their minutes, hours and days. They have WRITTEN GOALS, THEY wake up EARLIER, they tackle their smaller goals one at a time, to achieve their VISION they set out to achieve in their lives. They managed their TIME to BENEFIT their lives. They have great attitudes, positive outlook,VISION of their Future they desire, THEY ARE MASSIVE ACTION TAKERS....NO EXCUSES, NO WASTED TIME.
So if running late, get up earlier (try 15 minutes), stop hitting snooze, you lose...plan your daily goals, WRITE THEM OUT AT NIGHT BEFORE BED. GET OFF FACE BOOK (people spend an average of 50 minutes on facebook a day)...spend that time envisioning your 12 month goal, or with your kids, or on your work, or reading a book on self improvement, or at the GYM, or walking and thinking of your goals. Ask yourself this....Is facebook creating wealth or success for you...unless your advertising your business, ITS NOT. UTILIZE YOUR TIME. BE AWARE OF YOUR BAD HABITS, AND START FOCUSING ON NEW SUCCESSFUL HABITS. Lets better our lives today, for the rest of our lives.
This is Awesome motivation Brandon O'Neill , Thank you for sharing!
Excellent! Thanks for sharing!