"Did you find a job YET?!" I hear this at least FIFTEEN times a week from my parents. I swear it's worse than when my grandma asks me why I don't have a boyfriend, but that's for another day... Does anyone else get bugged by parents, your sisters, friends??? This is how I handled this situation because not having a job is HARD enough!!! I don't want to disappoint them, but I don't feel that way anymore. I started a notebook (I call it my "job journal" to keep track of things I did during the day for my job searches. At the top I put "Today's Goals" and I filled out 3 things each day like apply for more jobs, write a new cover letter, etc. Then I jot down each time I did something. I also keep track of all the jobs I applied to and if I heard back and when I would have an interview. SO...when people asked how things are going and if I have a job yet, I show them my job journal, they see all the work and they don't say a word. I think my family forgets how crazy HARD it is to get a job. I am young, but I am still having trouble. The job journal has actually helped me not only shut my family up a bit, but keep me focused. Anyone else having those questions from your family or friends?

I will try this, my dad and my step mom are always riding my case about when I am going to get a job...like I am not trying!! Drives me nuts. Maybe if I show em like you did they will back off and know that I am working hard TO find work. Thanks Amber.

We have ALL been there Amber, trust me. I think it's great that you are showing your family that you are working hard. Sometimes people think we are home doing nothing at all, but job hunting is a FULL time job in itself. Ha, your grandmother sounds just like mine. She use to ask me things like that (no filter on her, haha). I think the best way to handle topics like that is by simply saying that you are actively looking and you are excited for upcoming opportunities. Good luck, let me know if you need anything!
Sometimes even though our families love us it doesn't mean that they won't pressure us. Just remember they are bugging you BECAUSE they love you and only want what is best. It's hard to see that sometimes, but it's the truth. Just smile and push through when they ask you those difficult questions. It just means they will be that much more proud when you land a job Amber. Keep going!!