I just have a question about minimum wage. I havent worked since our new minimum wage was set, but I'm wondering if employers are allowed to pay under minimum wage, if you're not receiving any tips or compensation? The thing that confuses me is there's a federal, state & city/ county minimum wage & I've noticed that even though our minimum wage is $12 an hour, some stores only pay between $8.50- $11 an hour, even retailers like Family Dollar. Is that legal, especially if they don't give you breaks or any benefits?

if the state minimum wage is higher than Federal, they have to pay whichever is higher... Also the number of employees make a difference in the state of Ca. if there are less than, i believe, 5, the minimum wage is lower

No if the state wages are 12 they Have to pay 12....and if you work Over 40 hours they have to pay you overtime if your an hourly employee

Google your state

That's a good question I I believe it may vary by state but a good question I'm really not sure???? Maybe you should check where you live and call the labor board maybe they can answer your question

Try North Carolina where our minimum wage is the one of the lowest in the nation. It's just a minimum wage because it sure is not a living wage. You can't live off of ours period!!

More money

Excellent question Jessica Patrick !! There's a lot of confusion around the minimum wage pay standards in great part due to the federal vs state/city differential.
The Federal Government sets a minimum wage standard employers are require to adhere too in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. The minimum wage at this level is $7.25 p/h (since 2009!).
Some states, cities, and counties in order to remain competitive and maintain a somewhat level pay scale in relation to the locations cost of living have set, in most cases, higher minimum wage rate.
The min wage rate for the state of Illinois is $12.00 p/h. When the state, city or county minimum wage rate is higher than the federal rate, employers are required to pay workers the higher amount.
Take another look the job descriptions and check if the job offering less than the state minimum wage are set on some type of commission or bonus pay structure. The might be the reason for the lower than required state minimum pay structure.
Good stuff Jessica Patrick . Keep an eye on your post because I'm sure you're going to get some fantastic feedback on this issue. Thank you :-)
It has in some establishment pay below minimum wage that's why the servers make it up with the tips from the customers