Is it a bad idea to tell a company you're not available for 2nd shift during an interview? I'm a single mother of 4 boys and I couldn't bare not seeing them for days at a time let alone think about the cost of daycare for 2nd shift hours. I had to quit a job because they only hire people in on 2nd shift. I was truthful about the reasons I left my last job this last interview and obviously didn't get the job...anyway, it was one of the true reasons I left the old job but I also left the job because I was pulled over for expired tags. Michigan has the highest insurance rates in the country. I didn't have the money to buy the insurance and pay for tags but was worried about getting pulled over and getting my van jailed if I got pulled over a second time. Well, I finally got tags when I got my taxes back and no luck after tons of applications...
I love second shift, it just goes to show you, if you have a preffered shift they will usually say they only have a shift you don't wan't. I can't work Saturday's , so they usually tell me the job requires weekends.
Every on this post has their own opinions my thing is do what's best suited for you if you apply for a job they tell you what shifts are available, always let them know if you are available for it or not only you know your situation, with children in school and Day care it's hard but you can by the Grace of God make it I did. My children are grown now but we did it together .
Laura THANK YOU for the advice and plus I got and interview for construction company in Buda Texas I'm working know for a Plummer company it's not a lot of hr so I'm All ways pushing forward and always win
I feel Second Shift is so convenient for me at this time.
I feel the Second Shift is so flexible for me at this time.
WHere is this at
as a manager i would look for 1 thing then ask you a question. First, Did you put on your application you were not available for 2nd shift, then in an interview ask why you didn't express your shift desire? Most businesses are family oriented but you need to be on the up and up or immediately i'd wonder to myself what you were hiding.
What is it that you ask of me?
It's not a bad idea exactly. It is your life and your time. But thats just the hours they need someone. Its not that your not qualified but being a CNA they are always looking for 2-10 because they probably already have someone who has been there longer and did the 2-10's and thats why they get the 6-2 shift. I did 2-10's forever and finally got 6-2, then to find out someone they just hired miraculously got the a.m. shift and I was bumped back to evenings. I worked hard to get mornings and I was furious when I saw the schedule that she changed me back. You have to do the bad shift and work your way up. It's hard. Good luck tho!