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Gloria Williamson
Bullet point
Data Entry Specialist at Washington Natural Gas Wgl

It is very unfortunate that some jobs require you to have good credit when the job has NOTHING to do with currency, working in a financial institution, Wall Street, etc. I saw a opening and it was a Data Entry position and it was requiring you to "Maintain a clean credit history (no past due/collections on credit report)". I am working in a data entry position right now and has been since July 2018 and I have the best boss EVER, but the pay isn't what I can move ahead on so I am still seeking a better salary and also a permanent offer. Most individuals I know who has been out of work, or temping have this issue and it is unfair for employers to require this if you are not in a financial institution, working with currency, etc. I get doing a background check on individuals, but to require you to have a clean credit history is beyond me especially with a data entry position. First of all if individuals had not falling on hard times they wouldn't have low credit rating and we shouldn't be PUNISHED for falling on hard times, it is just like aging, you are PUNISHED for being over 50 and seeking employment regardless of your experience, these two are UNJUST and a PUNISHMENT whomever is seeking a good job and trying to rebuild their credit history. I am sure they know if you have no steady reliable income, your credit history will take a FALL, so why not look at the individual work experience/history and give them a CHANCE to rebuild what that person has lost. IJS

over 5 years ago
Lois Martin
Bullet point
Marketing and Public Relations

G W Actually a number of Data Entry jobs involve the handling of customers' financial and other personal information so it IS equivalent to working in a financial institution. But keep looking -- that is not always the case and not every employer includes credit in a background check.

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