I just applied for a job on LinkedIn, which told me the position was posted 16 hours ago, and it already had 73 applicants. I went on an interview last week where 100 were chosen, and only 10 were selected. Last Monday, for another job, 50 were interviewed and only 5 were selected. Sometimes you feel you should not be born before 1990, or have more experience than the age of the interviewer.

Try being born in 1972 lol, it’s harder...don’t give up hope though, there’s something out there for us!!

I totally agree going through the same thing, only I'm not even getting called for interviews. Someone please help out us 70's and 80's generation cause we are the ones that end up being way better employee's then this 90 and millennium generation.

The world of full of scams. I've noticed that the minute I apply for any kind of job,I get calls from trading scam brokers. I also discovered that most jo s advertised are only for gov states.they dont exist. People are selling email addresses to scammers. Be carefull. Catch22.Long gone are the genuine Recruiters who actually read and understood your experience. Now you have robots reading your resume.

I understand what you are going through. I look at it this way. If there are 700 applicants and you were called for an interview, you stood out in the crowd. That in itself is awesome. Now one of these days you may be picked. You may be the right fit. Pray. It doesnt hurt. Dont give up.

Don't be restricted to just Linkedin. Check with people that you know at some locations that hiring and not have put the word out yet.

This is the same situation I was in for a few years so I just decided to move to another city and every since then I been getting hired.

Hi Gregory, it is no surprise, there is so much of nothing available, and its as though you can grab hand fulls of it and chew it, digest it, reguritate it and its okay. Nobody says this is a big big waste of company time. Its a joke, scouring for so called best people its simply not fair to those who are truly a good fit, others that might or may? Who seriously screens all the resumes that come in? Are you on the offense or defense? Chances are if you have been in a company for years looking at resumes becomes second nature. If your on the defense, you may not want to cherry pick out standing traits, squeeze people for furher proof of job entitlement. It reminds me of watching the batton twiller, but before you hand over the batton, you must ensure the individual will lead the parade, get along with the tribe, not have convictions, and just finally hit snake eyes at the roll of the dice.

Hey Gregory Shelton , Happy New Year! Yeah, those job to applicant ratios sound about right. The average of applicants selected versus applied is always going to be low. That's why proper preparation, resume optimization and online presence/branding is essential.
A well cultivated professional network is also a valuable resource. Don't let these ratios discourage you. Approach each job option individually and focus on highlighting your strongest personal traits, skills and accomplishments.
A lot of the jobs are also part time or temporary positions so there are no benefits. TRUMP voters TAKE NOTE!!! The great job numbers aren't so great. Talk about fake news. Remember that when you vote, economy is great if you are wealthy and only if. They won't need you anymore after you vote and won't pretend to care until another election long after lives of lower and middle class have been ruined.