I've had job after job after job, and the pay just been getting greater & greater, I was hired by two different companies in the same day, but unfortunately, I couldn't take on both jobs that start around the same time. Just got hired on yesterday starting another job paying really good money, and still currently working for a company I just got hired on almost a month ago. My advice to those who having problems with keeping a job or just not able to get the job they hope for, I say put your faith in God & talk to him and let him work it out for you, & as you trust in him he will bless you with that JOB. Remember, faith without works is dead, so if you ever think about giving up, you will not only be giving up on yourself, but GOD himself. God bless you all and I wish you all blessings on your job search.
Congratulations on getting some many opportunities. I wish you well!