You have the mark of greatness within.
READ THIS CAREFULLY...I'm trying to tell you something!
Be impeccable in your character and with your words; Speak your truth with integrity; Say only what you mean and lean into what you believe; Avoid using words to hurt yourself or to gossip about others. Use your time wisely; Project the power of your words to forge a path through the forest of life beyond the trees.
When you do this, listen for the birds to sing which means you made it. "Being the best outlines the rest."
I Believe You Can...!
As always you give us the best, and continue to teach us direction, while displaying leadership to guide us all in the right direction!
Following the Path of our Inner Being "I Am On My Path, and My Path Comes To Me".
Thank you!
The end of the rainbow is reached only at the end of the second mile.
I read this and immediately I had to check myself. It makes sense
Thank you, I really need this encouragement. I am heading back into the working world after being a stay at home mom, I am so nervous that I won't be able to find something.
Thank u god bless u all
I say the same words in morning on my way to work and read scripture before work.
Hello, I wake up every day being +++++++++++ Thanking God for waking me up and praying for God to guide me where He wants me to be and where He wants me to work. Two years basically unemployed is extremely rough. When you watch TV and see people doing everyday activities: going to movies, traveling, etc. and you remembered doing the same activities but you can't because your finances are exhausted, your credit cards are after you and you squeeze just to keep the internet and cell phones on to hopefully hear back from a potential employer is a stress. My church gave me a tiny job as sexton. I need to clean God's house in my corner of the world today. The amount I received is to keep paying for auto insurance, cable and cell phone. Thank God I'm not on the street (and I hope and pray that I don't end up there). Lent is a time of self examination, and Jesus knows what I have been going through. Thank you for reading, God Bess you, Thank God everyday. Have a Happy Easter.
Sometimes lazy or toxic habits come more naturally to us, however being conscious about their negative impact on our lives and attempting to moderate and extinguish those behaviors sets a person up for personal and professional growth! Thanks for reminding us to strive for excellence.
Edward, As always keep doing what you are doing. You inspire hope for many people that have none right now. I appreciate each and every post and read them all. Thank you! TYJ