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Shawn Ben
Bullet point

Life is a terminal condition. Putting others first isn't natural. Being born selfish is a good thing. People are not legally required to put others first. We will all meet up with the same eternity! You people are not better than the rest of us. These snowflakes are still pissed at the election results. The Electoral College decision was made. It's not my fault! Suck it up and get over it! This should not affect your ability to work. Your place of employment is a source to provide a service. Demanding that other people join your clique is childish. It's not the responsibility of your co-workers to hold your hand. Make better choices for your own life. I don't care about what you think or your bleeping feelings unless they are backed up by facts. As a woman I am not into my feelings because my late father was a strict Army man. To me feelings are just another word. I have lived a long and hard life. Learn better coping skills to deal with your problems. I don't need other people's problems because I have my own. Would anyone like to trade with me? I have problems with anxiety and still get accused of making excuses. I still get screamed at by the same snowflakes for not being overly involved with the lives of others. I blame liberals and conservatives because these people lack discipline. No one has ever challenged the bad behavior of these butthurts. They are under 21 and over 30 and can't cope with the fact that people don't like them. When I say I hate people,I mean immature people who demand an explanation for the reason why they are not liked. Your lack of personal responsibility is the major reason. You blame your problems on others. You made bad decisions and expect others to fix things. The real world isn't social media. This is the place where safe spaces do not exist. This wasn't meant to be politically correct therefore an apology isn't necessary.

over 7 years ago
Nancy Macchia
Bullet point
Administrative Assiatant at Canteen Corporation

There’s a lot of emotional sentiment shared in this message for someone who claims to have “no feelings’. Do you really believe not having or blocking out feelings like (Happiness, Contentment, and Love) is a good thing? You also have a choice to just let people know you’re not interested in their problems and re-focus all your energy and attention on your own stuff. It’s a big world full of lot’s of imperfection. Try not to be so judgmental.

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Bullet point

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Shawn.

Shawn Ben
Bullet point

I wrote this post because being an irresponsible dunce is a normal occurrence. So sick of bs called pc. People are full of themselves, emotionally needy and such entitled brats. People overly explaining how and why things are happening. Using fake outrage over not being occupationally needy. Half of the people who I have mentioned were wards of the government. Meaning the taxpayers paid for their existence. This is from food to housing. They think that their awesomeness should always be awarded. This isn't just people under 25. People over 30 are the worst. I grew up between the mid seventies and the mid nineties. This meant that you better have good common sense and critical thinking skills. The elders of my day made sure that you don't leave home without it.

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