How do you overcome being turned down for being overqualified for a position? I'm trying to expand my skill set - unfortunately being a Data Analyst is very niche and is pretty much all Contractor work. I would love to find something in a different line of work and more stable...

Over qualified is just an nice way of saying you are to expensive for us and your skill set out ways my skill set so no I will not hire someone who knows more than me you can't have my job

Laura, do you have a LinkedIn profile set up? Maybe you can network through there from your previous employer or attend a networking event catered to data analysts... maybe even find a group that can help you find opportunities. Let us all know what happens, good luck!

Try glass door.com

Im an IT/BI Developer, and I also got turned down not long ago due to being over-qualified. In the IT world it can be kind of niche oriented, so it can be somewhat common to be overqualified for a certain position. I think it all comes down to how well the Job Description is defined & detailed. If the JD is real vague and doesnt breakdown requirements, duties and qualifications in detail, then it could be easy to be overqualified..

I tell them what I can do and that I am willing to accept their payband.
I would recommend to dim down your resume. Look over the job qualifications and job duties and have your resume only show the past maybe 5 years worth of work that caters to those positions. But keep in mind that by doing that where you may possibly get the position you are applying for, you will not get the pay you might be expecting. If that is not something you are okay with doing apply for more entry level executive type positions.