Am just tired of job search. Its either you're over-qualified or under-qualified. What do employers want, really?? people are out there and competent to do the job, just give us the chance, this process makes you even questions your self confidence, it practically consumes your energy. I've been holding on for quiet sometime but it starting to get to me.

Sarah, I certainly feel your pain, and while I am going through a VERY similar situation, I also don't know what the "answers" are. I have been considering posting a very similar statement myself. I have YEAR'S of experience in Sales and Marketing and I have a great track record etc. etc. I get to 1st or 2nd interview (all with GREAT rapport n exhibition of skills etc.) Then comes the "well we've decided to go in another direction" or "someone else met the criteria more clearly".?.? Seriously?? I'd love to meet the, baggy pants wearing, can't show up on time, car broke down, non-professional, they ended up with.. In your case, it appears you have youth in your favor and that will work in your favor. This is ALL the part of being "grown up" nobody gets you ready for. Stick with it and try to "Network" as much as you can.. "It's not what you know but WHO you know"... Good luck...

Have you tried listing with TekSystems. I have also had very good success with that firm.

Job Search is a Job, You have to Jump through hoops for little pay sometimes, or for a short term, but you have to keep your head up, they going to keep testing your patience, stay strong!!

I just want to let you know Sarah you are NOT alone. It is BAD all over everyone is having a hard time. I'm 55 yrs old with over 32 yrs of customer service experience and don't understand companies anymore. I don't think they even know what they want themselves, i'm so tired of the over & under qualified comment, if you have someone willing to try hard WHY not give them the chance. Don't blame yourself or think less of yourself because of their dumb comments. Keep your head up the right job will come along when you least expect it. Good Luck ! :)

You're right Sarah. No matter how varied your skills are, how talented you are, if you don't know someone or have a foot in the door already, you have to jump throught hoops to get anywhere. It is very frustrating, indeed. Maybe you could start your own company if you have a special talent or talents.

What industry or industries are you targeting? "Marketing" often as very loose definitions, from sponsoring beer community functions as a friend does who works for a beer distributor to direct sales support, to advertising. But it usually comes down to doing things that build awareness of a product or product line.
Suggestion, before you go to an interview do some detailed research on the company the product lines that you would be working with. Get technical, what would your boss' boss would asking him or her in an annual review? Ask questions in the interview about their market share, awareness of the product, how well do they differentiate their products, and as they engage with you, most importantly, what about your education and experience will improve the situation. Tell them stories about things you have done that led to bottom line results. Become knowledgeable about generic skills like conceptualization and critical thinking that are needed to be a high performer.

Hi Sarah. I understand. Although I haven't seen your resume, I assume it's filled with all kinds of good stuff showing years of experience. Sometimes what helps is condensing your resume and limiting it to the last 15 years of work experience. Try it. That may help get you in the door. Good luck!

It seems that employers hire human relations people that are trained to see a certain type of resume. Without that resume you lose. A lesser qualified person can be hired because the H.R. people saw what they learned was right. I also seems to me that if you fill out the dreaded employment paperwork and simply turn it in to the secretary and are told you'll be contacted, you wasted your time since so many people are applying for the same, one job.

Hi Sarah, I definitely agree with you with the job search frustration! It can be so consuming trying to find the right job. I'm having the same issues, but just keep going and don't lose heart because the right job will come along at the right time. Just keep going!!
Sarah It is brutal out there. The thing to do is never give up. Because all you need is for one job to say yes. Just discard the negatives. You will find something.