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Paul Walsh
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Usher at Madison Square Garden

I'm sixty one years old and I've been out of work for almost 2 years, but I keep putting in applications for any kind of job and never as much as a reply, I think that employers figure out that I'm sixty-one and don't want to hire me figuring I'm only go to work for 10 more years and then retire, any thoughts on this.

over 8 years ago
David Carmelo
Bullet point

There is the Age Discrimination Employment Act that protects applicants 40 years and older from hiring decisions based solely on age but the catch is that the burden of proof rest entirely on the applicant or employee to prove which in most cases is very difficult to do.

Christina Smith
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Retail Manager

Paul that's the million dollar question. I agree with Lisa's comments that it has a lot to do with the type of industries and tasks related to the job. You're going to experience less response from managers hiring for jobs in IT, Warehousing, and Manufacturing but you'll have more success sending applications in certain Retail industries like (banking) or Healthcare (home health aide). Most of the employers hiring for these jobs offer training so don’t be hesitant if you don’t have any previous experience. Good customer service and the will or desire to help others is all you need to qualify. The ageism trend isn't just a national issue, it's a global discrimination problem.

Lisa Maxwell
Bullet point

Employers often look at length of jobs you had previously whether you quit,were fired or laid off as well as the physical level of work that you are applying for. I have a senior care home and I often have applicants 50-60 years plus and I too am in that age bracket so I don't look at their age as much as at all. I would much rather hire a mature grounded individual than a 20 something that lives in a world of drama and misses work because of it. The physical aspects will stop me from hiring if I feel a workers comp issue could come from a particular hire, but age isnt the reason for a lot of employers. Good luck and don't give up!
