As we struggle and get battered by the machine that is the job search process a quote from Ali that I love comes to mind. When Ali first stepped into a gym to learn to box the trainers said he was too small to ever really compete or achieve anything in the ring. I have a feeling it was that moment that inspired him to come up with this quote.
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
― Muhammad Ali
So, as you get tired, discourage, frustrated and overwhelmed by the grind of the job search and you begin to feel that achieving your goals is impossible.
Keep in mind that impossible is nothing and that you do have the power to change things if you refuse to give up.

Thank you Steven for this ! And if I may, even when getting back into a new employment situation, dealing with financial issues... working in between pay periods, notifying creditors of pay periods, and dealing with those difficulties, can lead someone to just give up. Cannot give up!! There is an "IM" possible.

Steven thank you for the quote and also the pep talk i understand that there is no such thing as impossible because i know that i can do all thins through Christ who strengthens me, i get it. Thank you

Very inspirational. .Mr. Ali and thank you for the quote...I love it! !

You're right impossible is nothing because ,with God all things are possible

word up!

Steven, Took a beating from the job search "grind" this week. thanks for the inspiration. I'll try to hold on to it for next week.

I love this, Steven! This is SO important to keep in mind, and this post is really the perfect way to kick a Monday off. Thanks for sharing!
Good advice steve. Many people will think you are nuts. Keep on with what you do for you. Thanks for sha ring. Susan california