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Amanda Fisher
Bullet point
Substitute Teacher at Mcdowell County Board Of Education

So I had a second interview today for a job that I really want. They are going to do a background check as well as a credit check. I’m not worried about the background check I’m clean. However my credit needs work. Can that prevent me from getting the job?

over 5 years ago
Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
Content Manager at Jobcase

Hi Amanda Fisher ! It really depends on the job. Some will scrutinize your credit score more closely than others. I honestly don't 100% agree with credit checks to land a job, but of course if you're working in finance it would make perfect sense.

Here are some things you need to know!

1- What they will see Potential employers will see a modified version of your credit report. The report will show your payment record, the amount you owe and your available credit. An employer credit report does not show your credit score or disclose any account numbers.

2- If you have a lot of late payments An applicant’s credit history can flag potential problems an employer could face. This could indicate to employers that you’re not very organized, responsible, or perhaps don’t live up to agreements. Make sure to keep up with your payments by setting reminders or having the bill be paid automatically.

3- If you mishandled your finances This could indicate a poor fit for a job that involves being responsible for the company's financial standings or consumer information. They will likely move onto a new candidate if things aren't in place, so be cautious of this.

4- Who will ask for a credit report This often depends on the field you are applying to. The most common are those roles in which you will be working with money or finances (such as credit card companies, working as a parking lot or toll booth attendant, bank teller, accountant, etc). However, an employer can request one in other fields as well.

5- They can’t run a credit report without your permission Thanks to the [Fair Credit Reporting Act] (, prospective employers are required to notify you in writing that a credit check is part of the application process. You must also give written authorization before they’re allowed to pull your credit report if you wish to proceed. If you are turned down for a job because of credit problems, the employer must give you a copy of the report and explain your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

6- Avoid being turned down Make sure to monitor your credit report regularly and do your best to ensure your accounts are in good standing. Set monthly reminders to pay your bills, and if you are unable to pay the minimum don’t be afraid to reach out to that organization to see what can be done to lower your payment amount. One or two late payments can really devastate your credit.

If you're not sure how your credit is you can use sites like Credit Karma to check in and see how you're doing. If your credit is awesome, keep it up!

Good luck!! Keep me posted!
