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Akyshia P
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Tech Support

I have been working in the technical support field for a year, never had any training. I started this job through a temporary service, current job said we are going to hire 20 of the temps that they kept over the summer. They hired 4, I love my job but no benefits. I have an interview to be a school bus driver which is less money but has benefits. I know I will get the job but it's going to suck making $3.00 less. Maybe I should stay as a temporary employee I don't know what to do.

over 7 years ago
Kenny Agbaje
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Senior Lecturer Training Officer at The School To Land Program Lagos Nigeria

Akyshia you are better off to take the bus driver job with benefits instead of sticking with one that is temp and has no benefits! As u do the bus driver job, u can plan on going back to school or job vocation training of your liking and getting yet another better job than bus driving after the training. Good luck. Kenny.

Angelita Cozad
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Processor Ii at Christian Care Ministry Grace Publishing Llc Ceo

Sit down go over the pros and cons of the 3 options and make sure you include your bills in this discussion. In the end you'll know what to do and ask God to show you what's best as well. He's never let me down. I will pray for you.

Maria Isaacs
Bullet point

I would stay

Pam Opalacz
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Bankrupty Clerk at Dept Of Revenue

Oh my!!! First, you leave things out. I can assume you did not get hired as a permanent employee and I can assume you work part time. But I am assuming you are working full time right now and will be falling into a part time job. I don't see the logic in that. Have you thought also that as well as making $3.00 less an hour you will be paying for your insurance? Maybe not much but you will pay. I used to drive a school bus. There were times I was wondering where my brains were when I took the job and other days where I loved it! I do not know one school bus driving job that is full time. I worked for an outside sub and then worked for a town. Working for the town I made almost what I would have made if I had worked a full time job making the money I made at the subcontractor bus company. I had benefits that were fabulous. The best part was I could apply for a full time position somewhere in the town when it became available. If that is where you are going; I think it could be worth it but if you are going from a full time to part time job, or a pt to a pt with $3.00 an hr cut and have to pay or even not pay for benefits. I don't think you are.thinking clearly. On the other hand if you think or have a feeling the temp job will be ending for you soon then take the bus job. I could go on with different scenarios but hopefully you get my drift. Either way I would be looking else where while employed by either of them. While u r at the current job, I hope u did and continue to take in as much knowledge as u can. It could in another job. If you have never driven a school bus before good luck to you. It takes a special breed of person to do that job. Remember they will teach you how to drive the bus, however they do not teach you what to do when you have 64 kids behind you!! Before you take that job if u decide to ask them this....Can I stop my bus safely to the side of.the road to get order in my bus? If they say no and they won't back you up when need be I would run!!!!! I don't care what they pay you or offer, it is not worth it!!!!! At least it wasn't for me. My thoughts were and still would be, I am not going to be responsible for all those lives behind me while they run up and down the isle, scream hollar and yell and act like a bunch of animals while I am driving to school and home and not be able to pull my bus over and get some law and order so I can keep my eyes and ears on the road and not behind me. If something ever happened it is my license and my life that is ruined forever all because somebody screamed and I had to take my eyes off the road to see.what was going on or they are in the isle and I.have to slam my breaks on and they get hurt. One thing we were told when I worked for the town where.they backed their drivers up was this: This pertained to fights that may occur in ur bus while you are driving by the way....You can pull the bus over and stop the.fight.and parent's or you can continue to drive.the bus back to the school allowing the.fight to continue until u get there and still be sued. So take your pick. The first time and only time it happened to me I pulled the bus over safely, took the keys out of the ignition obviously, went to the back of the.bus to break up the so called fight. What it really was was a bully picking on a kid that did not know or was taught not to defend himself. Anyway, I pulled the bully away from the other boy, he came up with his fist to hit me, I was a little worried as to what he might do to me but I did not want him to know that so when his fist was coming toward me, I said go ahead, I want you to, make my day!! He backed off stuck his hand out to.shake mine and introduced himself to me like a smart : _ . I split them up. Of course the bully came to the front with me and the whole bus full of kids and I drove back to the school. The bully was not too popular after that because this happened on a half day, the day prior to Christmas vacation!! Needless to say the rest of the kids were a bit upset that.their half day was ruined!!! Just had to share that story!!!! But make sure you have the right to pull your bus over and the company will back you and make sure you have a radio or emergency phone in the bus and make sure you have a video camera in the.bus as well. All these suggestions come from experience. Good luck to you, which ever way you go!!!!!!

Dee Evans
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Patient Access Coordinator at Rush University Medical Center

Hi skyshia, stay as a temp employee and the experience you gained from them use it to find a permanent position some where else and use them as a reference. How long have you been a temp.

keith skeel
Bullet point
Buyer at Meyer Plastics

Akyshia, is that $3/hr less plus the cost of the benefits? It all depends on your health and family health status. If you have kids you probably need the insurance, but if is just you, and you are healthy, it's your call. This is always a tough question, and I've done it both ways, and it's a gamble, but $3/hr is a lot of money. I would not stay as a temp, you have done your time, and they need to hire you on a permanent basis. I wouldn't leave immediately, but I would start applying at other places, and find something that pays more. It's all easy to say, but tougher to do. Good Luck...

Quwan Simpson
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Forklift Operator at Carlisle Food Distribution

Keep your current position and Dont Get Sick! Buy some insurance after you have worked for another year.

David Whitfield
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IT Technician/Support

I've been working as an IT Analyst with well over a decade of experience at this point. Sad to say the industry is changing for the worse. IT is pretty much strictly a temp service at this point, and when it isn't you get underpayed particularly in the midwest. Your best option is to continue working while looking for a direct hire role. Don't be discouraged if they expect a bachelors degree in computer science, because ironically your better at tech support than most of them. They won't hire a software developer to troubleshoot hardware, but that's the disconnect between the industry and education systems. Believe in yourself and your skills, and don't be afraid to apply for a role even if your 'not qualified' due to irrelevant education requirements, add a cover letter covering your exposure to methods, systems, and industry standards.

TLC Correll
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Project Manager at At T Services T Staff

you do what is more beneficial and secure for your future.... research both jobs, the pros/cons and then weed out those items as to which out weighs the other,,, then listen to your gut instinct & go for it.

Zandria Milton
Bullet point
Bus Driver at N A

Hello Akyshia, I totally understand your dilemma. I currently drive a school bus for the state I reside in. I must tell you to make your own decision because you have to live with it. The only comment I have is that don't let being less lucrative on your resume make that detour you. Think about it, a school bus driver has to have lots of qualities and it takes a special person to be able to perform the job. School bus drivers are underestimated.....

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