I wanted to get opinions on writing thank you letters after an interview. The standard advice is that they are important but I never found that they made any difference in all my years of working. Feedback?

I just had an interview. Sent a thank email. Did not get the job.

Please consider your position as well as your professional demeanor. Saying thank you for your consideration is meritorious and respectful. It doesn’t matter if you’re not selected. It is still part of your constitutional milieu.

This is the person's job to interview prospective candidates, so how do you figure s/he is taking time out of their schedule? In today's market, the interviewer should be more than thankful there is even anyone to interview!!

It is basic appreciation of the time the interviewer spent with you and is a signal to the interviewer that you are aware of higher-level interpersonal skills. From employer to prospect applying to a position to demonstrate that you appreciate their taking time out of their schedule to meet with you. Is an excellent principle for ethical professional practice.

Everything is an additional effort these days, it seems in light of the pandemic it is hard to not imangine; that people are being gas lighted. People need money to survive, so jobs are truly necessary to receive a pay check and other benefits that go along with a job. A good interview should require 2 participants, the job seeker coming prepared with all things necessary, dressed and such. The interviewer with a pre-determined expectation, that the person being interviewed has already been screened, this should set the scene for a person to be hired. In that instance, a candidate can have a pre-written note, after the interview is done, you can give the card in hand

It is good practice and it is very appreciated but it must be done immediately after the interview. It makes you sick out as well. My additional question is: since the postal service is so antiquated would an e-card be as good? Just curious

It is proper etiquette,worked in HR,first employee hired did not work out,so guess who took their place plus they did great with good qualifications!

It is correct to write a thank you letter to the interviewer. And I know for a fact it is very much appreciated. It also shows that you have the correct etiquette.

Good manners today is basically a lost art. You stand out with kindness and recognition
Yes, I was counseled that it Is quite important to write thank you notes after a job interview. It creates a strong foundation for that quality First Impression.