I work in an auto shop and a customer came to drop off his vintage Porsche. As he was talking to my boss I heard him say it broke down while he was appraising a property. I've been super into real estate for a while, but I don't have my license. I knew he was going to need a ride home so rather than having him call a cab, I jumped in and offered him a ride. On the drive over I told him I'd love to get a realtor's license but I still want to learn a bit more before I start. He got very excited and said to come by his office and gave me the address. I was pretty happy about that, but figured he was just being kind. When I dropped him off and helped him get his stuff out of the car he asked me for my full name and said, Don't forget, please come by my office! I haven't been this excited in a VERY long time over a job, I'm going to get my hair cut soon and head over first thing tomorrow!

Go for it, if that falls thru check with other realtors ...

My momma always has said, the good you do comes back to you! You were kind and gave that person a ride and now hopefully the favor will be returned. It sounds like it will be. Good luck with getting your realtors license and everything.
: )