Interested in a job with FedEx this season? Here’s what you need to do to apply: 1 Go to the FedEx Career page and Search Jobs by location, (City, State, or Zip Code). 2 View Jobs and “Click to Apply” where interested. 3 Enter preferred contact Email and Create a New Password to begin. 4 Watch MANDATORY 5 min. Sort Observation Video, NO More Sort Observation Appointments Necessary! 5 Complete Application. 6 Complete Assessment and wait for Assessment Completion Screen to verify completion. 7 That's It.. You're Done!
- Identify and Use as many Keywords from the job description on your application in order to get past the auto-selection process.
- Must be 18 years old and over to apply.
- Apply to more than one location and/or shift, if possible.
- Logon frequently to the FedEx career page and follow-up on your application. NO Emails or Phone Calls Please.
- Check out FedEx on social media (Twitter & Facebook) for Hiring Events happening in your area.

Thanks, Marcus, They sometimes don't pay attention to me when I post jobs and tell them what to do. that s a great format you used. Lisa Renwick

Thanks so much for the Fed X job info !

Hi my name is linda conley I'm looking for a job driver helper Auburn Hills or Bloomfield do you have any openings looking for third shift

I would love to for this company how much y',all for this job

Thanks for the info. Is a CDL required for the position?

I heard that Fed Ex was a good company to work for☺️

I heard they are a good company to work for☺️

You hire independent contract drivers with cargo van?

Thank you for the directions to apply.
The lenguage (spanish) is not a problem?