St Jude's is their number one fundraising campaign, which usually lasts several months consisting of new fun ideas for raising money for a great organization. Along with that, they also sponsor "spirit events" , which has helps local fire departments, schools, local sports teams, animal shelters and residents that may have suffered an illness, loss in a fire, accidents, etc. Chili's also donates food/and or money to local events throughput the year. I truly believe that it's very important to be involved with the community, taking care of each other, building and supporting your home town and not just focusing on profit.

Wow I had no idea they were so giving at Chilis Doreen Landes thank you so much for sharing! I love donating to Saint Jude Hospital to help families in need and also help research cures for childhood cancer. It's important to give to a cause you believe in. Happy holidays to you Doreen!