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Araceli Avilez
Bullet point
Quality Assurance Supervisor

Good Morning,

I have 8 years of experience working with Quality Assurance and I haven't got any luck in this field, I want to change career but don't know how to if all these jobs are asking for experience. If I want to join in recruiter I have to have experience, if I want to be in the IT department have to have experience. If I want to work as a housekeeper have to have experience. OMG! like if no one is giving you a chance, how you are going to have experience ? I am just overwhelmed.

about 6 years ago
Stacy B
Bullet point
Project Coordinator at Truwest Credit Union

Maybe your skillset is holding you back. Try working with a temp agency who will give you some input on how you present, your resume, skillset. . Some agencies offer learning software so you can hey some certifications. If not, look at getting a membership to an online learning company that will offer you the opportunity to get some certifications that can help you make a change.

Also, remember what time of year it is. There are few jobs at the end of the year, and lots of people applying, and only a handful get an interview. You should feel good that you are getting interviews, as only about 5% make it that far. The job market will improve at the end of January beginning of February. So between now and then, consider looking at yourself, and your resume. Does your resume have all the criteria for the job you are applying to? Read the job descriptions carefully, and update your resume, coverletter to contain this info. This will increase your possible interviews. Companies for the most part are using software to help them get only qualified candidates. So if your resume/ covee letter does not show all the skills they want, you will not be considered for an interview..

Best of luck to you

Timothy Bennett
Bullet point
Physical Tester at Michigan Seamless Tube Pipe

I am in the same situation as you. Need to find a part time job to supplement SSI Disability. I am doing Ticket to Work but in the opinion of those who make the rules, if you make 1,180 per month gross, you are making enough to not be on SSI Disability and they will remove you.

Assuming taxes taken out of that 1,180 dollars is 30%, that leaves 826 per month net. I would like to see the powers that be make it on that amount. My lot rent is about 600.00 with water/sewer added in. I am about 200.00 short per month with SSI and a small pension. If they took my SSI then I would be 1,600.00 short. Makes me think they want us to live in poverty so they can create programs that “help” but are actually just so they can skim off the top.

JT Wall
Bullet point
Financial Services Officer Ii at State Employee Credit Union

Work on your resume... it’s a start.. You have more experience in many more areas than what you have worked. Example: Do have an apartment or own a home? Do you keep it clean...”experience “.. Do you have children? .....”experience “ in a lot of areas.....follow me? How you convert and convey all this new found experience and relate it to your job search is the only thing left to do. Expect good things! Looking to hear good news soon! Let us know when it happens for you.

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franky adams
Bullet point
Floor Tech at Abbco Janitorial Services

Right now I'm on disabled it but I am able to work so I'm trying to find something that's part time by 25 hours a week so if you can find something give me a call or send me a text message

michael pape
Bullet point

I'm over whelmed too Araceli! And I don't know. Feel pretty help less. Try to fill out an application Or two every day. Over half of the applications I get involved with want me to log in. Log in yeah computer stuff again. Coarse my user name, email address, or password doesn't match. Darn I wanted that job too.. This isn't about Mickey Mouse. Good thing I make a little money just setting here on the couch sharing this with you.

Tough old world isn't it? Not on my watch! Not in my Navy!

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helen b
Bullet point
Hr Generalist at Human Resources Generalist

Hi Araceli,

Soft skills are transferrable. Are the jobs you are applying requiring the same skills you already have? Identify those and then make the connections and begin applying. Interview people who are doing the jobs you think you want to do and seek their advice like how to get into the field? What the job entails? Soft and hard skills that are necessary? You are asking an employer to entrust you and hire you however they are not just going to take a blind risk. They have to see you and or identify you as a valuable candidate.

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Shilpa Sen
Bullet point
Psychologist at Afac

Stay in high spirits dear!! I think you can do it!!

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Jane Stevens
Bullet point
Private Practice

Twenty-five years ago I was told I would not get hired in the Substance Abuse Profession. I did because I never gave up. Don't give up if you want to change your life.

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Beatrice Pesqueira
Bullet point
Always keep trying with a Smile

Don't give up. I have faced this many times. Not have any experience can be a good things. I always tell them " how do you get experience if no one gives you a chance to." I also tell them in a way this is good for you. They can teach you the way they want you to. See someone with experience can have the habits they don't like, but when they show you they know they have to worry about it. Don't give up ok.

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Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
Content Manager at Jobcase

Hi Araceli Avilez !

Don't worry, you can take the skills you have gained with you and transfer them into your new desired role. After all, you want to prove to an employer that you have what it takes. Here’s how to get started!

Check the job description If you’re not sure which skills you should include for a particular role check the job description and see what they are looking for! Here are a few examples of skills that you can transfer, check out more [here] ( -Leadership -Motivation -Time management -Delegation -Communication -Research

Show proof Make sure once you add a skill to your resume that you show how you performed it at your job! -Don’t just say: "Great leadership skills." -Prove it: "Excellent leadership skills, demonstrated when I successfully managed a small team of individuals over the course of a three-day fundraising event."

Make a list of your job duties Create a list of your current and past job duties. Focus on more than what is required of you in your current/previous job or what was/is in your actual job description. Think about what you were you responsible for on a daily basis! Which tasks and duties have you done daily and also which ones did you fulfill that were outside what you were hired for?

Record your accomplishments Now it's time to list specific accomplishments. Did your boss recognize you at some point? Did you save a colleague time by helping he or she complete a project? Think of achievements that are both large and small. They ALL matter to your next employer!

Best of luck.

Let us know how we can help : )

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