Tattle tale employees would go to the manager, and she just wanted to.hear the tattle tales, and would not do anything about them tatyletaling, she would use it as ammunition against me for my petty mistakes on the ecw computer system..i ended up going to the ER with high blood pressure because of the stress....and even though my boss knew that the work stress caused me to go to the hospital South Seminole in Longwood, she would still call me in her office and threaten me with my job...i could not perform at my best I was always nervous when she was in the office, the one of the doctors, started with the tattle too, when she knew that in was being threatened with my job...i tried my best to hang in and work, dad after day....and I was always there, on time everyday, and worked very hard to.help my co workers with their tasks..etc...but my boss she also did not want me going on my doctors appts..etc...to get my teeth cleaned, to go to my doctor, she had me change the times of my appointments, then she fussed about that too....then when I tried to talk to her about what she was doing she brought a witness to back up what she was saying.....so she did not threaten me, then. But she would call me and scold me for petty things, that she put off to human resources and said they are the ones putting this in place....one day we were busy, the doctor started complaining to her so was a co worker....and at 5.00p.m. I told her I saw and heard how everyone was complaining, and thanks for everything. But, I won't be coming back, I cannot work like this....she said nothing....and I heard she told the top dogs, that she asked me to stay, now I know she's a liar....wow..people can destroy you. And your job...so I'm still looking for a job....i feel like a fish out of water.....i loved my work so much....