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Allison Reyes
Bullet point
Carhop at Sonic Drive In

I never realized how much my bad relationship was affecting my job until I was out of it. Many of my coworkers have come up to me to say how happy I seem now that I broke up with my ex, and I am! See, my ex-boyfriend was an alcoholic and I spent most of my time outside of work supporting him.

I had no idea it was so apparent to people at work, but now that I look back I can see that it was probably obvious. I'd come into work tired and stressed because I'd spent the whole night up trying to control him and nurse him when he was drunk, picking up bottles and things he'd broken late into the evening. Toward the end of my shift I'd start getting anxious because I wasn't sure what I'd be walking into when I got home.

Now that I'm single I know that the house is just as I left it and I'm not coming home to some unpredictable situation. It also made me realize something about my job: I really love it! Before, I felt miserable about work, miserable at home and everywhere in-between. Now that I've gotten rid of the thing that was making me miserable, I feel so much better about everything. Here's to getting rid of people and things that drag us down and really TRULY allowing ourselves to enjoy life! Life's too short for anything else. I know that now!

over 7 years ago
Debra Adams
Bullet point

I'm so glad to hear you realized the problem and had the value of your inner strength to see it, and rid yourself of something that you are not capable of fixing. Stay focused on this path. You may me pulled back if your not careful and strong. I would also suggest a short term round of therapy. Individual, or group. I think both would really benefit you. You will gain even more strength and self esteem, that you do lose trying to help someone with the issues your"ex" has. I'm very proud of you! You did what you could. Now open your wings and fly!! You may find a reward in all of this. Nice job.

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