Where is my Coronavirus money?

In the last few days, you’ve probably seen or heard friends telling you that they’ve received their coronavirus money from the government.
And you’re also probably thinking: where’s my money and how do I get it? We all have questions. Here are some answers.
Who will receive the Coronavirus “stimulus” money?
Most Americans will receive coronavirus money from the government. Here’s who will qualify for the full $1,200:
- If you filed as an individual on your most recent tax return and made less than $99,000
- If you filed as the head of a household and earned under $146,500
- If you filed jointly without children and earned less than $198,000
Anyone with children under 17 years old will also receive an additional $500 per child. Good news: you don’t need to do anything to request this money.
It is important to note that these income guidelines are based on your 2019 tax return unless you haven’t yet filed yet. In that case, the IRS will use your 2018 tax return.
Some may also be eligible, but may not receive the full $1,200. Here are a few things that could reduce your check amount:
- Making more than $75,000/year as an individual taxpayer
- Filing taxes as head of a household, and making more than $112,500
- Married filing jointly on your taxes and earning more than $150,000
If you meet any of these qualifications and want to see how much you can expect to receive, try this Coronavirus calculator.
When will I see my money?
Though the government started sending out payments on April 11, don’t panic if you haven’t seen your money appear in your bank account just yet. If you’ve set up direct deposit with the IRS previously, you should receive your coronavirus money this week.
If you don’t have direct deposit set up, your money will be sent by mail. This could mean that there might be a significant delay in receiving it.
If you want to find out when you can expect to get your coronavirus money, try this web tool from the IRS. Once there:
click the Get My Payment button to check on the status of your coronavirus money
On the next page, which asks you about 'authorized use', accept by clicking OK
You will need to enter your
- social security number (SSN) or individual tax ID (ITIN)
- date of birth
- street address
- ZIP code
- Select Continue
**Success! **On the next page, the portal will show your payment status.
If you are eligible, but haven’t set up direct deposit
Follow the steps in the IRS’s web tool to update your bank account number (and routing number) to have your money deposited directly into your bank account.
If you use other payment services, you can also have your money sent to the Cash app or to your PayPal account.
Have questions?
- I haven’t filed my 2018 taxes yet; is it too late?
In short, no. The tax filing deadline for 2019 has been pushed forward to July 15, and you can still file your 2018 taxes. Here’s how.
- If I wasn’t required to file a tax return, will I still get a check?
Yes. If your income was less than $12,200 ($24,400 for married couples) in 2019 and you were not required to file federal income tax returns, you must fill out a form found here. The form asks for checking account information or you will get a paper check in the mail instead.
- I am currently retired or receiving SSI Benefits; will I get a check?
Yes. If you don’t file taxes because you are currently retired or receiving Social Security Insurance (SSI) payments, the government will use your Social Security Number to send out payments.
- **Will I have to pay income tax on my Coronavirus money? **
- **If I owe back taxes, will I receive my money? **
- **If I am overdue on my student loan payments, will I receive my money? **
- If I am behind on child support payments, will I receive my money?
No. If you are behind on child support payments, your coronavirus money will be sent to your state and then that money will be sent to the person owed the child support.
Also, if you are married filing jointly and your partner is late on child support payments your coronavirus money may be withheld.

Is there a address to write to concerning why they based my stimulus amount on my 2018 taxes even though I’d filed my 2019 taxes?

They said my check is scheduled to be mailed on the 24th should I get it before the 2nd of May

I did my taxes with Husband in 2018 , shortly after he left me, I became homeless and lived with a Female Pastor, until I was able to get a job and my own place . Now I just revived my 2019 w-2 and only made $ 2, 050. Would I still qualify?

Claimant # is zeros in front of your lady 4 numbers of your social security number - figured it out yesterday

The IRS website is overloaded and off most people the Get My Payment function is giving a message that they cant determine your status right now. Its gonna take a few days for them to fix the problem.

My economic impact payment was all applied to payment of Dept for the rears of child support, and my income tax.. Unemployed,, underemployed,,they garnish 50percent from check.

So I have a super confusing senario, my child is disabled and receives SSI because of this "I" currently do not work. I did what I thought I should do and I registered on the free stimulus registration on TurboTax, only for it to be announced days later that the IRS had made a basically identical type of option. So now based on TurboTax it said I was approved for both myself and my child, but NO STIMULUS. AND IF I GO ON TO THE IRS SITE AND ENTER MY INFORMATION on Get my payment I cannot receive any information. Would it complicate things further if I also registered on the IRS site? Should I just keep waiting? I have searched the internet high and low for someone in the same situation as myself, but no luck! if anyone can give me some advice or point me in the right direction I would be very grateful, like everyone else money is extremely tight during this pandemic. Best wished to everyone in receiving this well needed stimulus.

I had the same problem. I made my 2019 tax return on TurboTax and put my bank information for the direct deposit. the government sent it to me via my bank. But the big surprise is that I did not get the $ 1200 and I went to the IRS site to check my eligibility on Getting my pay, the site replied that the system is only available to qualify me if I am eligible or not. worse still the people with whom we used the Turbotax the same day to make the tax return they got their 1200 $ but not me? what should I do then?

does anyone know what is a UI Claimant ID # is - I tried my social security - my emails sent to unemployment come back with PIN info - can't reset a pin without my UI CLAIMANT ID# - anyone know
Irs portal says my check will be mailed on May 1 2020. It's the25 still no check