When you should be receiving your $600 and how

Though the IRS is sending out stimulus money quicker than the first time around, there are still some complications that are getting in the way of everyone receiving their payment.
What is the status of the stimulus payments?
As chaotic as things have been on Capitol Hill, it seems that the delivery of the second stimulus checks - or as the IRS calls it, the second Economic Impact Payment - has not been affected. Payments in the form of paper check, direct deposit, and debit card began to be distributed on December 30, 2020 and will continue until the January 15 deadline.
If you do not receive your stimulus payment by January 15, you will be able to claim it when you file your federal tax returns as a Recovery Rebate Credit. Click here for more questions and answers about the second Economic Impact Payment.
When and how will I receive my stimulus payment?
There are three ways the government is disbursing payments - direct deposit, paper check, and EIP debit card. After the January 15 cutoff, the timing of your stimulus check delivery becomes a matter of how quick you submit your 2020 taxes and how fast the IRS will be able to process your return.
Stimulus payment by direct deposit
The IRS has reported to have sent out over two-thirds of stimulus payments through direct deposit. Direct deposit is a quicker and easier mode of delivery versus a mailed paper check, meaning the IRS can process more people faster. However there have been issues with this method.
After checking the status of their stimulus payment online, people have reported their money was deposited in an account that it is not theirs. If that is the case, don’t panic just yet. Customers of H&R Block and Intuit’s TurboTax who purchased Refund Transfer with last year’s taxes are finding that the IRS Get My Payment tool may be actually reflecting that account number instead of their bank account number. Check your 2019 tax return to see if it matches the account number displayed in the tool.
The IRS reports that those receiving their money via direct deposit should have been received by end of day, Wednesday, Jan. 6.
Stimulus payment by paper check
If the IRS does not have your banking information, you will need to wait for your payment to arrive in the mail. They will be sending taxpayers their payment in the form of a paper check or EIP debit card. Mailed payments are on their way, but it’s important to note the US Treasury can only process between 5 million and 7 million paper stimulus checks per week, meaning people will have to wait.
Stimulus payment by EIP debit cards
EIP debit cards are prepaid cards the IRS may send out instead of a paper check.
NOTE: the envelope that the card arrives in may appear unmarked, so be careful not to throw it in the trash!
The IRS says it started sending out EIP cards on December 30. If you lose your EIP card, you may request a replacement through MetaBank Customer Service. You don't need to know your card number to request a replacement, simply call 800-240-8100 and choose the second option from the main menu.
Why have I not received my payment yet?
If you’ve checked the status of your payment online and are trying to figure out why you have not received your payment yet, there are a handful of reasons why that may be.
You moved and did not update the USPS or IRS: If you moved, the IRS may have an old address on file and doesn’t know where to send your payment. If you did not update the IRS system in time, you may need to claim your payment on your 2020 taxes.
Your payment was reallocated: While Congress took away the situation in which creditors or debt collectors could garnish part of your payment for the second round of checks - your bank could still use the second check to cover overdraft fees and balances.
The IRS does not have your banking information: For the first stimulus, the IRS used information from your 2018 and 2019 tax returns. This time, they just used your 2019 return. If your bank account information was not up to date, they may not have been able to send a direct deposit.
Have you received your stimulus payment yet? Share your story below.

I received the 1st DD in my bank acct 4/15/20 & that was reflected in my payment status at GetMyStimulus but Payment #2 said not sent. I waited til Jan 15 as instructed then e-filed my taxes in order to claim the rebate. Later learned that IRS delayed start of tax season til Feb 12th. Feb 14th IRS acknowledged receipt of my tax form but only when I returned to Get Refund Status, not by an email with a submission IDN with which to track progress of my refund, as stated on my e-file final "Congrats" page. IRS.gov claims 90% of refunds are paid w/in 21 days & EVERY day counts not just weekdays. So going by 2/14/21 (not 1/15/21 or even 2/12/21) I should have received my $600 stimulus/tax refund direct deposit by 3/07/21. My 1040 contains no other numeric data other than the $600 recovery rebate tax credit. I have the same bank acct, address, AGI, etc as I did when I received the 1st stimulus payment & I didn't even know I was getting that one! I hadn't filed taxes for 2 yrs & suddenly there was $1200.17 in my acct (I held a balance of 17¢ prior to that DD.) Get Refund Status results beg. 2/14/21 = "Your tax return has been received" Results beg. 2/18/21-present = "Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available."

No I never receive one.What happen to my check

87 and no longer need to file. Does that mean no stimulus?

Where is it

i file every year and i haven't gotmy first stimulus, but not my second. It's bad that people that dont work got money ,and the ones that been unemployed like me I'm still waiting.

I haven't received my stimulus payment check either! My son (who is disabled) and my husband received theirs, but I have not! VERY unhappy about this! :-(

Haven't received anything aka covid stimulus or any other form of stimulus either from the very beginning the only thing I finally became eligible for is under the new april ruling. Other than my ssa payments I've see and know as I check no other payments have been put into my account.

If you have a job, when you do receive it, donate it to someone or family that has a TRUE NEED!!

I haven't received anything
I haven't received any of mine not the 1st, 2nd or 3rd. I filed my 2nd on taxes and I filed them on 2/14/21and still says processing. And when I check bout my stimulus check it says not enough information or I'm not eligible? Wtf? I lost my job due to this covid and was denied unemployment I have 2 kids that live at home with me and can't get any kinda help or nothing. So you ppl that have received you congratulations us ppl that really need it and lost their place to live and had to move in with someone else so they can help don't get Jack crap but a big oh F u. Just saying