Tough interview questions? Here's how to respond

Last updated: February 14, 2025
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Elyssa Duncan
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Tough interview questions? Here's how to respond
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Interviews can make your palms sweat, your mind go blank and send butterflies fluttering away in your stomach. They're nerve-wracking because you never know what the interviewer might ask.

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So what if they ask a REALLY tough, odd, or personal question? Here are some examples and the best ways to tackle answering them!

How old are you?

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act does NOT prohibit an employer from asking about an applicant's age. They may also ask questions such as when you graduated high school or college. It is currently legal for them to inquire.

However, it is 100% illegal for the employer to take that information (graduation date, age, etc.) and discriminate based on that individual's age. For example, saying, "You are too old for this role."

The best way to answer:

Smile and keep it light. If you don't feel comfortable telling them, don't! When the interview is over you can make your decision, but the fact that they felt the need to ask that question should speak volumes about who they are as a company! Stick to something like "That is a great question, but I prefer to keep that to myself." You could always take the humorous approach and say, "It looks like my anti-wrinkle cream is working" or other funny responses!

Do you have any children? Do you plan on having them?

This type of question may seem innocent (the interviewer MAY be making polite conversation), but chances are they are likely asking to determine how dedicated and focused you will be as their employee. It is illegal for an employer to use this information against you!

The best way to answer:

Turn that question around! Say, "That's an interesting question, but maybe you can help me understand why it might be important. I guess I've never been asked that before, but I want to know what matters in this position." The interviewer will be left to answer why that question is relevant and how it pertains to the position.

If that doesn't work or you don't feel comfortable saying that, simply respond that you do your best to keep work and personal matters separate.

When was a time you overcame a mistake at work?

Employers will ask questions like this to try and understand how you deal with difficult situations. It can be hard to figure out how to answer this in a clear and confident manner.

The best way to answer:

Many experts suggest using the STAR (situation, task, action and result) method when navigating this question. Give them a brief summary of the situation you faced, your role in the problem, the action you took and how it was ultimately resolved.

"I worked as a supervisor at a shoe store downtown. A customer had ordered a pair of shoes online and had them delivered to the store where they were accidentally purchased by a different customer. Before I called the customer who placed the order online, I was able to find the same shoes from one of our other locations. I had them overnight shipped to her house and called her to explain the situation. She was understanding and wrote a great review!"

What is your greatest weakness?

This was always an interview question that made my mind go blank. Obviously it's hard to pick a flaw to highlight to a potential employer! But they're interested in seeing if you have a healthy level of self-awareness and whether or not you can be honest.

The best way to answer:

NEVER say that you don't have any and avoid the cliche "I am a perfectionist" response. Employers are looking for information that is real! They want to see how you faced a weakness and became stronger. So be sure to pick something.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

This can be tough because you can accidentally reveal that you don't have a plan to make a long-term career with the employer at hand.

The best way to answer:

Keep it brief and keep it general! Talk about how you want to develop yourself as a professional, and what kind of environment you envision yourself being in.

"I'd love to be working alongside a team of positive and smart individuals who can encourage me to continue learning new things and develop my existing skills. My goal is to be in a supervisory role where I can demonstrate my leadership and project management strengths."

What was a tough #interview question that you were asked?



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Michele Graveline
Bullet point

At one interview I was asked what kind of animal do you see yourself as and why? Now that is a very diffiucult answer if you don't have any clue as to why they are answering it. I must have ansered it to their satisfaction as they offered me the job on the spot. However, another job interview I went to was a panel of 7 people - one of them lightheartedly said - Mr So and So (President of the company and presentat the interview) likes breakfast - if you were to provide him with breakfast what would you serve him and why? I bit my lip from replying I wouldn't serve him at all he is old enought to get his own breakfast and in the same lighthearted manner replied: I would prepare a bowl of Lucky Charms because they are bright festive, and fun and will start his day off in a sweet manner. Everyone laughed, and once again I was offerred the position on the spot. I find that sometimes overthinking a question can be to your disadvatage, sometimes a question is just a way to see how you intereact with others.

Denise Falzoi
Bullet point
Advocate Mental Health Education Volunteer at Quora Nami Howard County

☆Answer ALL QUESTIONS as an "EMPLOYER", NOT as the potential "employee". ☆ RESEARCH the company & position you're applying for & spit back key words during the interview. For example, many employers ask, "What have you heard about our organization?" If you've adequately researched the company, you should remember statistics...Ex. "I read that you're company is the 3rd largest company in the USA in regards to producing tires. If I'm correct, you manufacture 380% of all the tires sold in this state." Or, "your company is an 'up & coming' & 1st in 'ingenuity' according to a recent Forbes magazine article " etc

Catherine DuBois
Bullet point


Douglas Dingler
Bullet point
Cashier at Allsups

The question that has always given me the greatest problem has been if I have any questions for them. I never could come up with any questions that either make me sound like some form of idiot or know-it-all. Both cases (at least as far as I am concerned) will cost me the interview and possible job. This one question is more difficult than all those listed above.

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Marjorie Morris
Bullet point

One time I was asked, “What do you consider your greatest accomplishment, either personally or professionally?” I felt like they were fishing to find out whether I have kids or not.

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michael jackson
Bullet point

Mistake....not such a real mistake..but assuming everyone's on the same page...and each other understands their role.. As working with others in setting with patients with undiagnosed mental health disorders with violent tendencies...whom go from 1 to 10 in .05 seconds its imperative everyone knows what to it's no a mistake made deliberately..its a mistake not addressing the roles everyone should be expecting to have

Carla Finch
Bullet point

Tell me something you like about our company that will make me want to hire you always have to come back hard because I one time was not ready for but I thought of something fast and made it sound good

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Stephia Davis
Bullet point
Janitor at Jmc

I alway have fair of doing an interview for a customer representative are front desk Agent are receptionist because I never know what to say I get weak and nervous so I always get the job that don’t ask me questions out of my element I did A on line chat interview today for Asurion it is for a tech chat support I pray that I get the job I work a overnight job but it doesn’t pay well but I still thank and praise God for it but I want to work oth job I really thank God for these opportunities that he bless me with and for this group why daughter she really help me a lot with my interview all the time she is a pro she always moving up in her Job God is really blessed my family with jobs and more jobs

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Marcie Knott
Bullet point

Thank you Elyssa!!! Your insight will come very handy.

Clifford Perkins
Bullet point
Bus Operator at Greater Bpt Transit

I like the question about what is one of your weaknesses.Thanks for the tips, very helpful.
