How to show you're ready for a manager job

Last updated: January 24, 2025
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Michael Frash
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How to show you're ready for a manager job
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Mary Gracelyn Tan recently asked a vital question on the Jobcase Community:

How can I show interviewers I’m ready for a Manager job?

And over 75 people gave Mary some amazing advice within a few days!!!

Do you think you’re ready to step into a manager role? We selected 8 ways to help you make the leap to manager, as told by the Jobcase Community.

Never managed before? No problem.

If you don't have any prior management experience, you're going to have to sell them on your leadership skills gained through other means. Be sure to highlight any team projects wherein you had a leading role or were a primary contributor with influence. You can also touch on volunteer activities in which you served in a leadership role. Basically, you want them to see you as a capable leader. -Andrea McCool

Lead by example

Be open and honest. Your team is more apt to follow by example, self accountability and NOT by making yourself look better than others. -Chuck Ratto

It’s the little things…

Good attitude, pay attention to detail, constantly evolve, and find the most efficient way to tackle the task at hand, be able to trouble shoot. -Joseph Paul

Have a problem-solving mindset

Speak about creative solutions, *employers appreciate when you are solution oriented *as opposed to complaining and whining behaviors. You have to be able to mentor and develop your team in a positive direction and be able to pivot and re-direct when the road gets rough. Find the answer in every problem verses the problem in answer. But most important in an interview be yourself, don’t try to be someone you are not. -Nicole Bahaw

Sell yourself (with leadership examples)

First you must ask yourself "What have I done recently that exemplifies my leadership skills - my ability to mentor and train and my ability to communicate effectively to administration and to those that report to me.?" Now - take those same thoughts and put them into words that define your skills - it's important to remember that this isn't going to be so much about you as much as it is about what you can bring to the table. What you can do to help your team and the company be more successful? -Theodore Price

Be accountable

Tell how you would develop subordinates and improve their functioning capabilities. And explain that you hold yourself accountable for results with no excuses. —Raymond Bravo

Surprise them with something new

Be innovative. Show them something they themselves have not thought of yet. Be a complete team player, yet show you can lead that team. You got it. -Victor Kirklighter

If you’re ready, go for it!

…I will find ways to motivate others and inspire workers to work harder because they see the value in their work and love their job. This would be my first priority in working as a manager in any company. To lead by example and to motivate the work force. -Colleen Magdaloyo

Before you go…

-See what people are talking about on the Jobcase Community!

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Michael Frash
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist