The emotional side of the Coronavirus

The outbreak of the Coronavirus has certainly changed the way we live our everyday lives and its in these times that fear and anxiety can really grab hold. Our emotions can sometimes feel overwhelming and stressful. It can cause greater concern for loved ones, changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, and generally a feeling of uneasiness.
Here are some ways to address this.
Take care of your mental health
It’s important to speak to someone and express your feelings. This can happen with a friend, family member, or also a professional therapist. Talking about your feelings will allow you to face them and receive input from others. It will also help you to know that you are NOT alone. Consider Doctor on Demand which is an app that allows you to connect via video chat or phone with a licensed therapist or other medical professionals. They are open 24 hours a day and it will relive the added stress of having to go to a physical office setting.
Take a break
It’s important to focus on your mental well being and taking a break from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media can really help. Let’s face it, it can be a lot sometimes, and hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. Why not consider reading a book that you love, starting a home repair project, taking a walk outside, learning something new online, or even just relax by watching a new movie!
Take care of your body
It’s important to care of yourself mentally. Keep yourself centered and in control by taking a few deep breaths, stretch your muscles, or even consider meditating or doing yoga.
It’s equally important to fuel your body and eat right! With so much going on it’s easy during these times to simply pour a bowl of cereal and call it dinner, but taking the time to prepare balanced meals will be much more rewarding. If you are having trouble finding food please make sure to check out [this article on Jobcase] ( for assistance!
Additionally exercise regularly and get as much sleep as possible to keep your immune system in check and reduce feelings of stress. Consider taking walks outside and getting some fresh air to boost those vitamin D levels.
Take time for relaxation + anxiety management
Your overall well-being will improve if you can stay grounded and tuned-in to your emotions. Remember, mental health plays a big part in physical health! Here are some low-cost/free resources to help promote relaxation, anxiety management and mental wellbeing.
Talkspace is offering a free 7-day trial. You can connect with licensed therapists and access free mental health resources.
BetterUp has posted free workouts and articles to help relieve stress and anxiety.
Headspace is offering free access to all K-12 teachers, school administrators, and supporting staff as well as health care professionals. They have also created a collection of content called Weathering the Storm is also available free to everyone.
WoeBot is an online chatbot that takes you through basic relaxation and cognitive therapy techniques.
Simple Habit is offering free premium memberships to help with meditation and breathing techniques.
How are you staying well during the pandemic?

WOW! This is sooo important on so many levels right now. I've been somewhat doing well staying active and keeping myself on a productive schedule, (physically, mentally and spiritually), but I'm quickly running out of options.
Talk about developing new skills!
The suggestions you're offering on this brilliant post are giving me a lot to think about.
I tend to shift gears into a more introvert personality when I'm at home. Honestly, I enjoy being alone in my own space... but all this time away from meaningful face to face social contact is Over-Kill!
Thanks for taking the time to research and share this much needed 'chicken soup for the soul' Leslie :-)
Stay Safe :-)

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