Popular positions at the USPS

Last updated: February 14, 2025
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Paul Baker
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Popular positions at the USPS
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The United States Postal Service (USPS) prides itself on diversity and inclusion with 40% of its workforce composed of minorities. They also favor reliable workers with stable employment histories who are seeking rewarding and challenging careers.

The following positions are part of the delivery and operations sector of the USPS. As with all roles at the USPS, you must be 18 at the time of appointment. If you are not yet 18, you must be 16 and have a high school diploma.

US Postal Service Delivery & Operations Positions

Mail Handler Assistant

Loads, unloads and moves bulk mail and performs other duties related to mail processing.

City Carrier / City Carrier Assistant

  • Delivers and collects mail on foot or by vehicle under varying road and weather conditions in an assigned area.

  • Routes or cases all classes of mail in sequence of delivery along an established route. Rearranges and relabels cases as required.

  • Withdraws mail from the distribution case and prepares it in sequence for efficient delivery independently or by another carrier along an established route. Prepares and separates all classes of mail to be carried by truck to relay boxes along route for subsequent delivery.

  • Handles undeliverable mail in accordance with established procedures.

  • Uses portable electronic scanner as instructed.

Rural Carrier / Rural Carrier Associate

  • Cases, delivers and collects mail along a rural route using a vehicle. Provide customers on the route with a variety of services.

  • Loads mail in vehicle and delivers mail to customers along a prescribed route and on a regular schedule by a vehicle; collects monies and receipts

  • Prepares mail for forwarding and maintains records of change of address information.

  • Prepares a daily trip report and maintains a list of the customers on the route.

  • Maintains an inventory of stamps and stamped paper as needed to provide service to customers on the route.

  • Provides for mail security at all times.

Mail Carrying, Mail Clerks, Mail Processing, and Customer Service Clerks jobs require a passing score on respective Virtual Entry Assessment (VEA).

What is a VEA (Virtual Entry Assessment)?

They are mandatory screening steps with comprehensive questions for each individual role.

  • Each job posting has a predetermined number of applicants who are invited to complete the assessment. Invitations are issued on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

  • If selected, you will receive an invitation to complete the VEA within 72 hours. It is important to try and complete the test as soon as possible after receiving the email link. If you are unable to complete the assessment within 72 hours, you will not move on within the selection process. Although, you will be able to apply for other positions in the future.

  • If you are not initially invited to complete the assessment, you may still have an opportunity to take it in the future. You are encouraged to watch your email for additional information.

The VEA has 3 sections:

  1. Work Scenarios:
    Used to evaluate how you respond to a variety of possible situations.

  2. Telling Your Story: *
    Review your work experiences and background.

  3. Describe Your Approach: *
    A personality-based segment that will try to evaluate your preferred style and approach to work.

On these two segments, you can only go back one question, and once you respond, you’ll automatically advance to the next question.

VEA Questions & Information Asked for:

  • How do you handle a stressful work situation?

  • Review your work experiences and background.

  • What is your most recent job and responsibilities?

VEA Describe Your Approach:

A personality-based segment that will try to evaluate your preferred style and approach to work. Example question:

  • Which is more important to you? Reaching your goal or trying your best?

Applicants who fail to reach an acceptable score receive an ineligible status and must wait to retake the test only after 12 months.

USPS Delivery & Operations Positions

For the below positions within the delivery and operations sector, there is also an assessment or interview process, including both proctored and non-proctored exams. You will be notified via email if you need to schedule an appointment at a testing center or USPS location.

Automotive Mechanic

  • Troubleshoots, diagnoses, and performs routine repairs and scheduled maintenance on all types of motor vehicles used in the postal fleet.

Automotive Technician

  • Performs routine and complex repairs and maintenance on all types of motor vehicles used in the postal fleet. Troubleshoots and diagnoses more complex vehicle malfunctions using a variety of computerized test equipment.

Tractor Trailer Operator

  • Operates a heavy duty tractor-trailer either in over-the-road, city shuttle service, or trailer spotting operations.


  • Performs manual labor duties in connection with custody of an office or building.

Overall, the USPS maintains a high standard of ethical conduct for all postal employees and strives to create an environment built on integrity and trust. In addition to successful passing of an above assessment, each applicant must possess the personal qualifications and necessary skills across four areas: conscientiousness, adaptability, cooperation, and communication.

Want to find your best fit? Read on here... 

Other Key Requirements for Jobs at the USPS


  • Consistently follow attendance rules, regulations, and procedures.

  • Demonstrate personal discipline.

  • Complete work assignments with appropriate levels of supervision.

  • Perform the essential duties of their positions competently and effectively.

  • Behave ethically, honestly, and openly with supervisors and coworkers.

  • Admit work–related mistakes without blaming others.

  • Be trustworthy with mail, money, and organizational property.


  • Adapt well to technological, supervisory, and organizational changes.

  • Respond and react constructively to stress, setbacks, or frustrations related to change.

  • Accept and complete new or changed assignments.


  • Cooperate and work well with others in the organization.

  • Contribute to positive work relations and avoid unnecessary conflict.

  • Courteously help coworkers and customers without complaint.


  • Receive and transmit information effectively as required by the job.

  • Understand instructions adequately for safe and effective job performance.

Transitioning Military Applicants

The United States Postal Service has a long history of providing career opportunities to veterans, reservists, and their family members. It currently employs nearly 100,000 Military members and Veterans in our organization.

Applicants who have previously served in the military are given preferred status during the application process.

Military Service is treated as prior employment. In order to receive preference in hiring, you must clearly identify your claim for veteran’s preference on your online application. The Postal Service requires that you submit a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD-214 (Member 4 Copy), or other official documentation from a branch of the Armed Forces or the Department of Veterans Affairs showing dates of service and type of discharge.



Corneille Dushimirimana
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I 'm interested

Corneille Dushimirimana
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I interested

Hank Fried
Bullet point

The Cisco 200-901 Exam Questions PDF is designed to test the knowledge and skills of individuals in the field of Cisco networking and programming. The exam focuses on topics such as networking basics, Python programming, APIs, and Cisco platforms and development. The exam questions cover a wide range of concepts, including understanding network architecture, protocols, and security principles. It also assesses the candidate's ability to design, implement, and troubleshoot basic network connectivity, as well as their proficiency in programming using Python.

Candidates taking the Cisco 200-901 exam can expect questions that require them to demonstrate their understanding of API usage, RESTful APIs, data serialization formats, and network programmability protocols. Additionally, the exam may test their ability to leverage Cisco platforms, such as Cisco Meraki, Cisco DNA Center, and Cisco SD-WAN, for network automation and management.

Anonymous Anonymous
Bullet point

The culture at this place is insanity. Your coworkers are disgruntled and unfilled in life and will take it out on everyone, especially those in the lowest seniority because they know you won't know how to play the system like them. Management will constantly affirm to you daily that you are worthless. You will face harassment of all kinds from every direction and be expected to smile, laugh and act like you agree and\or like it. The union exists, that's about it. They will actively try to keep you from filing against any kind of harassment so they don't have to do the work to defend you. However, if you work there, it is a necessity as Management will attempt to force you out for anything they can. You can; not show up, harass, scream at and even fight your fellow co workers, but anyone that attempts to call out management or the way things work will be attacked relentlessly, removed from the building and put on unpaid leave for an unknown amount of time. "Going Postal" was coined there for a reason, but hey, they have a pension!

Hall Edith Joyce
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Entrepreneur at Hallgold Llc

I would love to work as a window mail Clerk USPS

Vincent Iacobucci
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Maintenance at Sacred Heart Church

I'm a retired custodian. My assignment before was Supervisor of maintenance operations. Before that I was a MPE. Since my retirement I have become disabled. I'm fully capable of being a custodian. I worked at the NJIBMC as a MPE then a Superintending engineer. I then was promoted to Supervisor of maintenance operations. Took a downgrade to custodian. I have had extensive assignments with many aspects of the Maintenance department.

Jeff Justus
Bullet point

I retired last March as a letter carrier for 34 years. It's not as easy as it looks but if you like working by yourself and don't mind working a lot of hours this job could be for you. There aren't many entry level jobs where you can make the money ($50k/$60k or more) that you can earn as a CCA (City Carrier Assistant).

Francis Diaz
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I'd love to work for usps.

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Paul Aranas
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Clerk at Metro Auto Auction

Fluent in English.

Scarlett Lezama
Bullet point

Hola nesecito trabajo
